Out The Game Begginer Trials

But there should be a limit of like 2 weeks because then it just becomes slow.

In the other games, we’ve said that you get one day to set the new trick when it’s your turn to set. If you miss your day, then you pass and the next person in line gets to set. Usually if you’re up to set, it’s because you landed the trick early in the week, so you’ve had most of a week to get your trick filmed and ready to post.


Sounds good to me!

Can somebody set a challenge now… O__O

nyctemene sets the next trick.

_ _ _ UniIsaac*(set)
_ _ _ pinefresh(landed)
_ _ _ uniboyle
_ _ _ julle95
_ _ _ Champy (landed)
_ _ _ nyctemene (landed)[sets next]
_ _ _ cuento (landed)
_ _ _ PeeR (landed)
_ _ _ Moth(Landed)
_ _ _ DaneM(Landed)

If nyctemene will not upload a new trick today, feel free to set, i won’t do it because it’s raining here for 3 days and weather forecast for tomorrow is not good at all. Peer is living in the same area so he won’t set too, i think.

i think i can do it for today

Ha ha! Mine is loading on youtube right now so I’m in.

Alright here’s mine… barely

_ _ _ UniIsaac*(set)
_ _ _ pinefresh(landed)
_ _ _ uniboyle
_ _ _ julle95
_ _ _ Champy (landed)
_ _ _ nyctemene (landed)[sets next]
_ _ _ cuento (landed)
_ _ _ PeeR (landed)
_ _ _ Moth(Landed)
_ _ _ DaneM(Landed)
_ _ _ MP Uni(Landed)

Could you give us a verbal description too? ie Gap 40cm down and 125cm over,

I don’t think I can make it to Arizona to try your gap. :stuck_out_tongue:

Oh! You thought this was the new trick?:stuck_out_tongue: No just landing the last one but I’ll set I guess.

Ahah ok my mistake nevermind.

Here’s the new trick.

_ _ _ UniIsaac
_ _ _ pinefresh
O _ _ uniboyle
O _ _ julle95
_ _ _ Champy
_ _ _ nyctemene
_ _ _ cuento
_ _ _ PeeR
_ _ _ Moth
_ _ _ DaneM
_ _ _ MP Uni* (set/landed)

so 5 centimiters and 72 cm gap?
i want to set next!!!

Me and PeeR:

_ _ _ UniIsaac*
_ _ _ pinefresh
O _ _ uniboyle
O _ _ julle95
_ _ _ Champy
_ _ _ nyctemene
_ _ _ cuento (landed)
_ _ _ PeeR (landed)
_ _ _ Moth (landed)
_ _ _ DaneM
_ _ _ MP Uni* (set/landed)

Nice cuento. I liked how you measured it. That was good.



here is mine! is going to be harder than this in the future? :slight_smile:

_ _ _ UniIsaac*
_ _ _ pinefresh
O _ _ uniboyle
O _ _ julle95 (landed)
_ _ _ Champy
_ _ _ nyctemene
_ _ _ cuento (landed)
_ _ _ PeeR (landed)
_ _ _ Moth (landed)
_ _ _ DaneM
_ _ _ MP Uni* (set/landed)