OTG - Super Beginner :)

Ok, I’ll start with something simple :p, i’ll upload it in a few hours and maybe 5 days between every trick?

One foot idling + One foot riding

uhhh :astonished: , lets do a week (7 days)

Ok so can already do the one foot idling phew. So just need to learn the one footed riding! Maybe there’s an explanation of good ideas somewhere :stuck_out_tongue:

Babysitting tonight and got work meeting tomorrow so might not upload till the weekend by the time I get to practice :stuck_out_tongue:

one footed idling seems like a good thing to work on in the garage as it dumps rain from the heavens. Any tips on one foot idling?

Yikes, I may start out with a letter haha

You’re not alone. I think I’ve just realise that my standard is way below super beginner.

One footed idling:

I’m assuming you already know how to idle? Is say you probs need to be able to do about 50 idles before you can do this.

Start off by practicing holding onto something. Get one foot on the frame then just practice!

Then, when youre ready, idle normally on the spot and when your top pedal is coming forwards past the frame slip your foot onto the frame and keep idling. To get your foot back down wait until your top pedal is coming forwards past the frame again and slip your foot onto the pedal.

Assuming you can idle already this shouldn’t be too difficult

Best tip? WATCH TV! whilst practicing :slight_smile:

let’s say 7 days between every trick, I did one week to do it, so you guys too :slight_smile:

Yeah, i can idle w/ two feet all day long. Thanks for the tips, sounds good.

any tips for one-foot riding?

Start out with just riding down a long stretch of slight downhill street or sidewalk. Then when one of your pedals is on top just past forward vertical push a little bit harder with that foot and barely lift your other foot off the pedal when the pedals get horizontal.
I believe that the key is to be very smooooooth and fluid in your movements… Don’t jerk your foot which is on the pedal down really hard. Let your momentum carry you through the revolution.
After you feel comfortable with just barely taking your foot off the pedal and following it with your foot, try keeping the foot out to the side for a whole revolution. After you get comfortable with that do a revolution with your foot on the frame. Finally try and do as many revs as you can with your foot on the frame.
You will be surprised at how comfortable it can be to ride one-footed. Soon you’ll be doing one-footed MUni :smiley:
Don’t ask me about one-footed idling though. I can’t do that proficiently yet. And so I have proved that you don’t need to know how to one-foot idle to be able to ride one-footed.

EDIT: Man, this is definitely my longest post ever. :wink:

Does simple translate to difficult in Belgium? :smiley:

And isn’t that 2 tricks? :smiley: :smiley:

And I thought Super Beginner meant even less proficient than Beginner… :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

if you practise enough it isn’t that hard :slight_smile:

yeah, I would call it two tricks. I think she should pick one, either 1 footed riding or 1 foot idle.

ok, one foot idling is the easiest so i choose one foot idling :slight_smile:

Bah - I reckon I might get one foot riding (had a go at taking the weight off one today, and got to the point I could lift off a bit every rev). However my idling is nowhere near good enough to even attempt to take the top foot off.

I reckon we should get to choose :sunglasses:

Choosing sounds good.

I’m still going to try and learn one footed riding though. Mind you its easier as i already know the idling.

I think… If you know one Learn the other. If you know neither then learn one of your choice.

Be honest!!

Ok, you choose but isn’t that the game to move your limits, to try new tricks?
But it’s ok

One footed riding is new for me - I think if we follow CrazyJazy’s rules (if you can already do one you do the other) we all manage that.