Organzing your life, and clearing out the clutter!

It’s been piling up for so long, I needed to finally start throwing away all non-essentials! For me, having ADHD, I go through cycles where I will let my house get absolutely cluttered with unfiled paperwork, junk, remnants of little projects laying all over, and just a house in shambles. Then when it just gets to much to take, I haul in a large trash can and start tossing all the trash and non-essentials into it.

Today it got filled to the brim, and included a non-working sony camcorder, and an electronic organizer (how ironic is that, lol!) Then it was time to clean, clean, clean! And with Morty, there’s also cat hair everywhere, and in big clumps lining the floor moldings, behind the entertainment center and other places. There was one really huge pile of dust but on closer inspection, it was actually a long lost zeppelin cd! :stuck_out_tongue:

Then I decided to start going through all my business receipts for '08, as tax time is fast approaching! Holy cow this is the most dreaded part of each year! Sometimes I wish I could just hire someone to organize my whole life and keep it neat and tidy! :o

I get in that cycle with clothes in my room, but by the sounds of things, I get to cleaning up sooner than you do.:stuck_out_tongue:

The satisfaction that you get when you’re done cleaning is priceless.

With all that energy of yours it’s too bad you can’t just do a little bit of that every few weeks so it never becomes the nightmare you describe.

And believe me, I’ve let my “to file” pile get a foot tall before too… :o

Get married. :stuck_out_tongue:

I tell myself every time after getting the house cleaned up and all, that I’ll never let it get that way again. And this time I mean it! ( :roll_eyes: ) :o

I did a cleanup and reorganization two months ago. Went through my files and threw away old papers and things. Went through my collection of “stuff” and got rid of some of what I convinced myself to part with. I’m a bit of a pack-rat which makes it hard for me to discard stuff - especially unicycle related stuff.

I collected together some unicycle stuff that I’m going to be selling. I think I’ll try selling my 26" DM Vortex. I haven’t ridden it in a while. It would be better to sell it to someone who is going to ride it. I also have some various parts like pedals and such I’m planning on selling.

I clean my room everyday, and vacuum at least once a week. I like keeping things organized and out of the way so it all works smoothly when I need to do something. Then from just walking from outside and unicycling then coming back in the room, well, I always wipe my feet off then kick my shoes off into their spot, but my friends just walk in and drop their crap somewhere, then when im walking in my room barefoot and feel all the little rocks and dirt that annoys really bad.

I finally got around to tidying my room the other day and filing away bank statements, receipts and the likes. Whilst I was doing this I decided to start documenting everything I own (unicycles, spare computer parts, other hobby stuff, gadgets and other bits and bobs). I have started to recorded them in sections (in excel) with the item name, make, description, accessories, if I have the box and the price I paid.

It’s amazing how much money one can so easily waste over the years :o:)

However doing this seems to have taken away for the hovering of my room which I promise myself I’ll do tonight.

I’ve been really getting into the habit of continual decluttering. I’ve found that the best way to avoid clutter is to bring less stuff in the house!

I also try to every weekend, tidy up and make sure I remove at least THREE ITEMS from my room to go to trash, donation, or yard sale pile.

It’s amazing how much a clean & tidy living area effects my overall mood and the quality of my life. Almost as good as consistently getting a good night’s sleep!

I think there is a lot of value in living a bit more simply.

Yeah, if you think you’ve got problems now…just get married:D

I hear ya! But no worries on that front; I want to stay happy & free lol! Just listen to my idol on the subject of marriage.

He speaketh the truth! “The voice of every married man!” :sunglasses: (Kicks in at about :48)

Even Morty can hold his head high again! :smiley:

Help! Terry cleaned the house and now I can’t find my toys! :frowning: (Don’t worry Morty, they’ll all still here! :D)



Way to go!
Actually I remember in the 60’s when feminists burnt their bra’s and called themselves liberated – the Woman’s Liberated Front. Perhaps we should have a men’s liberation? Yeah, we could call ourselves the Men’s Unicycle Liberated Front – or MULF!

Then maybe we could announce our independence by getting T-shirts printed with, “MULF on a MUNI”, or perhaps, “MULF’s do it on GUNI’s, or even MULF’s love WULF’s on MUNI’s.

PS Apologies to all females, especially WULF’s – Woman’s Unicycle Liberated Front. If you can’t join em, beat em ……. :wink:

Haha that’s funny! When I first saw “MULF”, it immediately reminded me of this! :stuck_out_tongue:

So you too have ADHD ?

Hello Terry, digging an old post, I know, but this was too big to miss out…

I’m ADHD too, diagnosed less than a year ago (and unicycling for 15 months) so now everything makes sense… That’s why I was so fond of your attitude (never ending youth, it’s all in your head :wink: :smiley: )

This post made me laugh as I’m currently unable to walk in my living room, amongst all the computer parts, wires, electronic components, spokes and unicycle wheels :stuck_out_tongue:

I bet I would make every single woman cry for help if she had to endure life with me… Zeitgeist and unis for evahhhhh :sunglasses: :smiley: :thinking:

I am not an ADHD suffering person and I tend to manage cluttered space.
I think one should not change his efficient behaviour for the sole purpose of this tidy/empty fad !
there are scientific proofs that managing a cluttered space is a form of efficient organisation! (no kidding there!)
(the problem of being married is that I constantly clash with the over-organizing tendencies of my sweetheart :D)

Didn’t work for me… :smiley:

What we’ve discovered–genetically speaking–is that when one pack rat marries another, the trait is doubly reinforced, and their pack rat offspring will be attracted to all shiny objects. Yeah, plus the house will be a disaster area for life.

More than 2 1/2 years later, I needed to de-clutter again in a BIG way! This time, I scheduled a pickup with the Salvation army to take several large bags of clothes, and a large bag of assorted stuff, including electronics, cd’s and nick nacks collected over the years.

After going through cabinets, dressers, drawers, I had filled two extra large trash bins with trash. I quickly realized that I had only just scratched the surface! I decided to adopt the attitude that I am making headway, and if I just commit to doing a little each day, it will get done. The next day I spent a few hours simply organizing and filing things away in a neat ordered fashion, and It freed up nearly 50% of the usable spaces!

After that, I spent another couple hours just cleaning. One of the most satisfying feelings I get is after clearing stuff out, looking around and seeing a lot more more empty space! Over the years I have also bought a few higher ticket items that I no longer use, so I will end up advertising those things and selling them.

These include a Celestron C8 computerized “Go to” Telescope, an “Exkate” electric skateboard, all my RC planes and accessories, and yes, a few of my professional, custom ventriloquist figures. The most sought after is my exact replica of Jerry Mahoney, which just sits there unused behind a glass case. He could fetch more than $1,500. (Hmm, another S. Hub perhaps?) :slight_smile:

Oh well, today I’ll be going through all my uni-related stuff; parts, tools, assorted accessories, which are randomly strewn, and taking up at least three cabinets, and consolidate them into less than one. :smiley:

After the cleaning, de-cluttering and reorganization and is finally complete, (for me, is it ever really complete?) it will be time to start patching and painting the walls and moldings and then move on the the outside! I plan to build a wooden carport, since my garage had already been converted to a shop when I bought my house. I’ve been mulling over the many different designs possibilities and I want to make it both functional and cosmetically pleasing. So much to do! :o

I know it’s an old post, but this picture seem to demand a caption of: