Should I get the Orange Bud or the 07kh? I can get the KH for $363 or the Orange bud for $435. I want one for street and trials.
Should I get the Orange Bud or the 07kh? I can get the KH for $363 or the Orange bud for $435. I want one for street and trials.
I’d go for KH. It’s stronger and cheaper. The only disadvantage, IMHO, is the KH frame colour. But you can always get a paint-job if you really don’t like it.
kh all the way
Oh yeah. A nice blue frame is pretty disadvantuous.
Really nice.
O and the other thing is i cant get KH till april 15, but i can get the orange bud now. Also i dont know how mutch my torker trainer can last the cranks and hub are realy bent.
the orange bud is better for street because their cranks have more Q factor but i think the cranks only come in 140 mm which i guess is googd for street but i don’t think that the cranks are as strong on the orange but though i’m sure they’re still incredibly strong. and um just to let you guys know blue kicks all of the other colours asses except hot pink and lime green.
Not sure about the pink but I agree that lime green looks awesome on frames and really want to try and find somewhere that I can get it done.
As for original uni question both are good i have KH06 which I think is great no issues really, just be careful when doing crank grabs or grinds on your cranks though as if you grind frame or knock the bearing clamps the alu ones wear down really fast.
The orange is good if your doing a lot of flat land and rolling tricks where you are on the cranks, but dont expect it to hold up to big street and going down some big sets.
I would go with the KH.
EDIT: Also, the moment cranks were built with street and trials in mind. The 137 gives enough leverage and control for trials, while keeping it short enough to get good speed on them. Also, they are flat on the tops, kinda like an I-beam, which gives great support when you land on the cranks.
Im thinking about getting the Orange Bud. Does anyone know any cheap places.
You have the KH as your avatar.
That means you already chosen in your heart
Go with the KH
If I were you I would go for the KH. I have the KH and it is awsome. I don’t like the Orange Bud myself. Go with the KH
Stefan Baer
in us renegade juggling or division8
i Did not know aboute the Orang bud. But also to lazy to change it:D
Renagade has only 2 and dvision8 has not writen me back yet.
I’m just lookin around for the lowest price. I want them bouth though.
guy here basically bought a custom koxxone uni from renegade for £405
hes got the normal 140mm cranks and the normal devil frame, but that shouldnt add too much to the price.
Witch size would be good for bouth street and trials?
kh orange bud is soo bad the cranks bend so eaisly
that’s a load of rubbish.
theyre stret cranks not trial cranks. if you wanna do huge drops, get trial cranks. it’s not rocket science.
he might as well get the uni thats not gonna break no matter what