Oracle brake (and other stupid thoughts)

Thanks Wes. If I go the 26er route, that’s what I’ll be doing. If I go 24, I ain’t running a brake.

I just emailed UDC on powdercoating or a potential rim swap. We’ll see what they say. I’m not too optimistic. :roll_eyes:

Why not build up a custom one? Get every part you want

It’s going to end up being semi-custom when all is said and done. It’s just whether UDC will play a part in the part swapping or not. I may end up getting the parts and doing it myself or having the LBS do it.

Either way, it’s gonna be different.

here is an example where a 26inch is just as nimble as a 24. Like Ben said, getting tires for a 24inch sucks, so its really just a one kind of use machine. Mean mean technical trails. Besides that it sucks, on long sections that are flat it feels like you are crawling compared to a big wheel.

The guy on the 26inch is Ryan Kremsater. He is one fast rider! Lives in Vancouver so those are his home trails.

My God! That’s some amazing riding compared to what I can do :o. I’m not looking at anything as technical as that. Maybe I should get a 26… :thinking:

I know 24 tires really aren’t that widespread, but it seems like most seem fairly content with a Duro anyway (correct me if I’m wrong).

If you are very tall you will be more comfortable on a 26 it’ll feel more at home

So here’s another question I got.

Will the 26 really feel that different from my 29er? I don’t wanna buy something and regret not going smaller (or bigger if I go 24). I’d hate to get a 26 and come to find it’s exactly the same feel as my 29er Drak.

I’m looking to do more hopping and dropping than I’m doing now, as well as more climbing.

The 26 will be better for hopping and dropping ad faster than a 24 but slower than 29

Pretty sure killian knows that :stuck_out_tongue:
The question is how much?

A lot, I prefer to drop on a 26 vs a 24 or a 19

This is why I hate buying new uni’s :roll_eyes: . I can never decide what I want.

It’s sounding like the 26 is a better bet.

The 26" with a nice big tire (large 2.4 or bigger) is nicer for hopping and dropping than a 29"; it does feel smaller. The 24x3 is even nicer for hopping and dropping than the 26" but I tend to agree with Jacob, it is slow getting around non-technical trails.

If I had trails worthy of a 24" (tech downhill), I’d probably still have one instead of a 26" along side my 29" and 36". Even the most technical trails around me have enough regular sections that a 24" is not as much fun as a 26".

My 26" is a custom build with a steel Nimbus frame, 32h 47mm rim, UCM caliper mount, and Spirit cranks.

What rim are you running?

A 26" is going to ride a lot smaller than a 29" A 24" is really just a tech dh trials kind of muni. You can ride a 24" for longer distances, you’ll spin like crazy, but it can be done; I’m just not sure why anyone would want to suffer that much :roll_eyes:

Bert has an Oracle 26…

Maybe because it’s the biggest wheel they’ve got…

Oh, yeah, I forgot Bert had a 26. That puts it in perspective a bit.

Alright, well it looks like I’ve got enough info. I’m asking too many questions at once and need to sit and marinate for a while. I’ll get it all figured out.

Thanks for all the help you folks had. It’s much appreciated.

Does your signature mean that you’ve come to a decision? :wink:

I wonder :wink:

For now. I don’t get paid until next week, so I have time to sit and stew on it. I think I know which uni I’m getting, I just gotta get all the fun bits sorted out in my head now (brakes, crank length, seat, etc.).

If you get a big, heavy wheel on the 26" it will have about the same diameter as the 29", but it will ride like a tank. Can you borrow one to get a feel for it? I am not convinced there is that much difference. I think it is more important how you equip it. Have you tried tire and crank swaps on the 29".

I am not trying to discourage you from buying another uni. That is one of the fun parts of the sport. You should give some thought to the build, however.


PS-You are welcome to stop by and try mine. It may be out of your way.