Opening Ceremonies

Wow, who checked out the Olympic Opening ceremonies?

That was the coolest thing ever, I am trying to track down video of it, but if someone else knows where to find it before I do, 'twould be much appreciated

just the centaur scene, that’s what i’m trying to find, thanks

Although it was 15 mins, so i bet i’m outta luck

i watched it and thoroughly enjoyed it
can’t help u with the video sofa
just had to mention that i think the opening FIVE rings burning under water was one of the greatest ‘Eat This!’ moves in the history of the Olympics
:smiley: :smiley: :smiley:


cause the mighty Sidney (there will never be an Olympics like Sidney again…) had a ring burning under water as their Olympic flame
u’ll recall the lady who went on to win gold in the 400 lit it at the end of their opening ceremony
here athens go and just about start off their opening ceremony with five (olympic) rings burning under water

i’m the only one who thinks this way?!?

I missed it

Anyone know were I can watch it online?



I searched for an hour or so.

I give up

It was OK, burt nothing to get excited about. Just the standard gas jets just below the surface gag. bin done a hundred times before. The only limit on the burning shape is your budget as the rigs are custom made.


I watched it, I thought it was great. Can’t help with a video though.