


We’ll forgive you… just this once.



…? :thinking:

I think that XWonka posted a thread, but then he changed his mind and edited the post because he didn’t want it there. I think.

Very probably… but in such cases it is traditional to take the mickey… :slight_smile:


Mickey? I am not familiar with that metaphor…

Probably another Britishism…

“take the mickey”
“extract the michael”
“poke fun”
“take the p***”



Oh, thanks. Now it’s “much” clearer. :thinking:

I do understand “poke fun”, so I think you are trying to say that it is our duty to make fun of his mistake, in a good natured way. And he should accept it gracefully. I agree. He should “take the mickey!”


As opposed to slipping him a mickey?

no, no, no
by making fun of him, we are taking the mickey (out of him)
someone once posted links to a site that explained the origins of expressions
that would be rather handy right now

isn’t google wonderfull?
check this out
just scroll down to ‘take the mickey’
u’ll have to figure cockney ryhming slang out for yourself

Oh. We are taking the mickey. We should take XWonka’s mickey! Am I getting it now? I don’t think so.

Idioms! Argh! (things like binary are so much easier…)


Or go to Fun-with-words and click the Cockney Slang tab (arrow). It’s a fun site anyway.

Klaas Bil