onza cranks

does anybody know wheather the onza trials uni from UDC australia comes with “onza” hub & crank set or “KH/onza” hub & crank set???

Just wondering…

It comes with onza crankset.42 spline i think.
Not sure if they’se as good as the KH/onza though.
My friend managed to bend his when he landed wrong on a 7 stair.
But it’s all about tecnique i guess.

Yeah that has the original Onza cranks, and let’s be honest why would onza release the KH/Onza is they were weaker than the cranks they already sell? They’re pretty strong, although a friend of mine did snap one in two on a four foot drop, but this was more due to continual wear than the height of that particular drop.

the onza cranks are 36 spline not 42


It comes with the KH/ONZA crankset.