onza 24" vs DX 24"

Ive been searching the forums for a while and can’t find any that compare the Torker DX 24" to the onza 24" muni. Wich is the better unicycle for offroad? I weigh about 195 and so don’t want something thats going to bend or break easly like my LX did. What do you guys suggest?

for the price i recon the DX is the better deal. A lot of people in US swear by it. I wouldnt have thought u’d be dissapointed by it

This is what you want


I’ll try the link paste again


ive had the onza for 8 months or so and its done pretty well. Maybe some people prefer a 3" tyre to the 2.6" Kenda one on it but ive never found it a problem. The 165mm cranks are great for hills but sometimes a bit slow if its flat terrain. I changed the saddle to a KH fusion Freeride recently and it is a big improvement. Unfortunately I cannot comment on the DX as ive never tried one.

hope that helps a bit maybe

I would go with the DX. I know people that have both, the Onza is older but has had some problems and it is somewhat more expensive. I’m not sure, but I think that they are stocked with the same tire, a 2.6". The only think about the Onza is that it is considerably lighter that the DX, but weight doesn’t really matter that much.

Bottom line:Onza is lighter, but DX is cheaper --> get the DX.

That KH on AEbike is really cheap are they a reliable site?

DX is a way better deal, no matter what you put it through it will take it, Great uni, sturdy, nice price for how good it is, made for huge stuff, and people who will put it through anything, street or trials.


Yeah, I bought one from them. They ship cheap also, like 8$ Read this thread.KH from AEBike)

Go for the KH!

I agree with Amanda and Feel the Light. Go for the KH at AEbikes. They are realiable. I got a KH20 from them and my friend got a KH24 from them no problems. You can’t go wrong with a KH. I have the ONZA24. It is a great Unicycle. The Only thing I did not like about it was the crown. I would always hit the inside of my knees on the end of the pipes that create the crown. It hurt like a M*R FR! I fellow rider has the Torker DX24 and boy is it heavy. It also has the ankle biting cranks and a thinner Alex 32DX rim. That will give you problems if you want to put a brake on the MUni.

Go for the KH24. It is the best deal around.
If you don’t mind that crown on the Onza it is also a good chioce allthough inferior to the KH.
The torker is the worst choice. Don’t go for it. It is very heavy. This counts for jumping! The ankle biting cranks and the thinner Alex DX32 rim are all negatives that matter big time.


Go for the KH!

I agree with Amanda and Feel the Light. Go for the KH at AEbikes. They are realiable. I got a KH20 from them and my friend got a KH24 from them no problems. You can’t go wrong with a KH. I have the ONZA24. It is a great Unicycle. The Only thing I did not like about it was the crown. I would always hit the inside of my knees on the end of the pipes that create the crown. It hurt like a M*R FR! I fellow rider has the Torker DX24 and boy is it heavy. It also has the ankle biting cranks and a thinner Alex 32DX rim. That will give you problems if you want to put a brake on the MUni.

Go for the KH24. It is the best deal around. I now have the KH20, KH24 and KH29 and am extremely happy with all of them! I hate getting on other unicycles. They are the Cadilac, Corvette and Escalade of the Unicycles!
If you don’t mind that crown on the Onza it is also a good chioce allthough inferior to the KH.
The torker is the worst choice. Don’t go for it. It is very heavy. This counts for jumping! The ankle biting cranks and the thinner Alex DX32 rim are all negatives that matter big time.


thanks sounds like i will be going with the KH off of AEbikes :slight_smile:

yes they are reliable.

I got my kh 24 from them. They also shipped it for like $12