Hi, just wodnering if there are any other uni riders here who live in Ontario. My one friend works a lot so i cant ride with him much, and my other friend just quit riding pretty much…
Do you live in Ontario? You realize it is a big place eh? What part of ontario are you looking for, if you are in Thunder Bay it might be tough to get together for a weekend ride with someone who is in Ottawa.
ahha good point
southern Ontario, GTA and Durham Region
There’s a good bunch in Toronto. Check out the Toronto Unicyclists. http://www.torontounicyclists.ca/
There’s two of us in Kitchener online here that I know of althought I’ve seen others from a distance.
Hey Mexico7, would it make sense if I said I had seen you riding a 24" unicycle in Pickering in June? I thought perhaps it was you.
—I sadley cant get to the toronto unicyclists because 1.I work those days
2. i have karate the nights the club is on
3. i havent been able to attend it, therefore i dont know any of them
@quaxer—its quite possible it was me, i was riding with a friend who lived up that way in June before he got to busy with work and i got to busy with exams. where abouts are you?
edit: actually now that ive thought about it, it probably wasn’t me…, the last time i rode with someone else was in June…but we rode at the Oshawa Center Shopping mall…not pickering.
i actually live, in the Oshawa, Whitby, Ajax area
I’m like 10 minutes from Ottawa, if anyone comes close to Ottawa I’ll be up for a ride, I know some cool Trials, Street, Flatland, Muni spots around here!
Hey, I live downtown, there are lots of people who ride here and yeah there are other riders in the Ajax, Whitby, Oshawa area as well. They most likely aren’t that active on this forum, or aren’t active riders.
If you cant once make the short drive to the club Mondays or Thursdays (skip Karate for one night / day off?) then good luck. I would ask Darren Bedford who his customers in your area are, and you could do that at club too.
So funny you don’t mention what town your from in your first posts, you should change you account settings to show your info when you post. Even if you just say GTA.
Sorry if I am being too critical here, everyone wants to meet riding buddies, and it’s great if you both have the spare time to do it, but like I said good luck.
That’s one of the reasons I’m going to Vancouver next week
If you’re not busy saturday, come to kingston! We are having a small group ride, and there is some amazing riding spots here.
I think there’s a bunch of us around, we’re just not all online. If someone was bold we could probably swing an Ontario event.
There was a Ottawa Unicycle Invasion in june, too bad there wasn’t alot of participant, but next year I’m sure it’ll work better for the organisation and everything so I hope to see a bunch of you next year!