You may only pray here if the words of the Fonz haveth saveth youeth
Let us pray
The Fonzie did not haveth time to deal with the insults man made on his brethren he said "Don’t you understand, your brain is clay and I gotta squeeze it! "
In the early days of the series, the production company was so afraid of the stigma attached to “bikers”, and the adverse effect on impressionable young people, that they were unsure about having a biker character. They reached the compromise that he could be a biker, but must never appear on camera with the bike.
As a result, of course, an entire generation of young people grew up to be well balanced law abiding individuals who could think for themselves and take responsibility for their own decisions.
With only a key that was locked in the very box it was spawned, given by the father, he gives the moral generation words of insight has he strikes Arnold’s Jukebox
Fonzedus 3:46
“Don’t wear socks in the rain.” …as said by the great sailor
I encourage all you Fonzie worshippers to join us all in the any-religion prayer thread. We promise to welcome you with open arms. There is no need for any separation, no need to keep our ideas to ourselves. Let us all work together.
We hope that the word of Fonzie reaches and inspires all, let us pray
“whao, he who bikes
Aayyy is the day to give thanks to the great sailor
whoa, he who is known as shortcake
As we concede to the greater will, Arnold make us a burger”