Only post here if you are between 4'9" and 6'0"!

Im 5’5"…How tall are you middle sized people?

5’ 11 1/2"

Its the little things that matter eh?lol

I’m 5’5’’ laying on my back.

LOL…That made me laugh…

Yup, I almost couldn’t post in this thread.

iam now 5’,6.5 "

not quite yet 6 foot… but so damned close im like 5’ 11 3/4"


I’m 5’ 1/2’ and proud of it!

im some where around chase and dave, like an 1 inch below chase, max


5’10" - 5’11" and skinny as a bean pole.

I am exactly six feet tall. Am I in the right thread?

i is 5’4

i got no idea how tall i am in feet, im like 1.75m tall which i know is like 5’ something.