Is there an online juggling community/forum similar to
+1 lmao
Well looky there… Dang I could have just typed that there in the google thang? Would ya look at that!
I was looking for someones personal experiences.
This forum is called “just conversation” right? Well that’s what I was trying to do. If everyone just searched all the time and didn’t post here this place wouldn’t exist.
Please excuse me for my stupid post.
rather than start a new thread, talk here about things you’ve broken due to juggling. like when a ball gets away from you and bounces up and knocks over a vase
Not like this one, there’s nothing like this one
My glasses (I was juggling clubs) and a lot of fingernails.
Anton hi.
DSchmitt was just having a bit of fun, he didn’t mean nothing by it.
In all honesty, I didn’t understand that you wanted someone’s personal experience of a juggling site either. No need to be too defensive, at least you had a descriptive thread-title so John Foss won’t give you a hard time.
I was a juggler before I got onto the uni and despite trying several times, I’ve just never managed to “get into” the IJDB forums in the same way as I got into this community here.
What Catchwood said is very true, there are very few, if any, online communities quite like this one.
I recently joined an Antique Radio Forum where I’ve been very heartily welcomed, my comment that I was going to search before asking questions was brushed aside with a quick “the search function is pretty spotty on this site, fire away with your questions” and I can already start telling the jokers from the supercillious. Which is always a great thing.
So smack DSchmitt upside the head, let him buy you a beer and let us know if you do find a kewl online juggling community?
I don’t go to those other juggler forums much anymore, I like this place better and there are enough jugglers here I can relate to and get info from if needed. JC is fine for juggling talk it seems!
Re: Breakage:
When we first started practicing together we managed to break every single Bong in my partner’s bong collection. That was about 12 various ceramic peices. No matter where we hid them the lacrosse balls found a way in there and broke them all, one-by-one.
I’m a jugglah, and I can truely say, most of em don’t use the forums, it ends up being a much more in person thing. and then you meet people at conventions, and you get contacts that way.
There’s a MUCH larger juggling community on youtube than any forums, for obvious reasons. : ) . . . speaking of which, I need a new video n.n’ haven’t posted anything a long while.
I’m pretty amateur and rather anti-social but I’ll second the link, especially passing through to the JuggleWiki. The forums there are not too bad but I just lurk looking for new tricks and videos. Definitely not as good as here! You might get a numbers challenge going, but I haven’t seen an O-U-T the Game for juggling (which would rock!). I’ll second the idea of checking YouTube and I also like
I saw the Moscow Circus last night which had a lady juggling hula hoops as part of her hoop routine (I need to learn to hula hoop on my unicycle!). There was also some great club passing while doing acrobatics. The solo juggler did 8-inch bouncing balls (with simultaneous head bouncing) and rings. I think 8 rings while bouncing a ball on his head.
It may be worth looking into a local juggling club. I went to one a few times in the Summer and it was a great education since I had never talked to anyone about juggling before. Club passing is awesome! I’m going to make it back when my social batteries recharge. I like to juggle from inverted positions and like to use heavier props (although some tendonitis in my wrist is making me reconsider this). I just learned 3-ball Box, Mill’s Mess with clubs, and I’m working on four clubs and six balls (separately). I’d really like to learn contact juggling!
Other links:
- JuggleMaster patterns
- Introduction to SiteSwaps
- Juggling increases brain power
- Serious Juggling (online store) - anyone have another?
It’s a really fun sub-set of juggling, just be ready for an even slower learning curve.
Forewarned, and all that.
Excellent! The slower the better! I’m a naturally slow learner and as much as I enjoy gaining a new skill it’s the learning that’s the most fun for me. Any recommendations on materials? The acrylic balls seem the most popular but I’m not sure what size. I’m putting together an order for when I get my tax refund check.
The most comfortable size.
Best advice would be to play around with a couple and get a feel for the balls.
This is where juggling clubs are very handy.
If you do go to one, do check with individuals if you can ‘have a go’ with a particular contact ball.
Most people are pretty laid back but you may pick up somebody’s “performance” ball by mistake and they may be mildly uptight about not having beginners dropping it all over the place.
I learned with a ‘large’ plastic ball and later bought the smaller acrylic.
I’ll get some pics for you tonight cause I don’t have an idea of the sizes of the balls.
Here we go.
AA battery for scale and my hand in the second one.
Thanks for the photos! The larger plastic ball is what I was thinking about starting with. Will probably work better in my practice space (aka living room) when I accidentally hurl it around.
Very much so.
The heavier acrylic takes a bit of getting used to as well.
The orange one I used in the pic is about the same size of the largest acrylic I’ve seen available.
I have a 4" hollow plastic ball
Very similar or identical to the one posted above.
For contact juggling, it is the best IMHO. I carry it about, rolling it around my arms while talking to friends at gatherings, sometimes hitting them.:o
It’s ok though, the hollow ball is harmless. The solid clear ball is a real crowd pleaser, but to dangerous to use casually, where you might injure someone accidentally. For that matter, for me there are no juggling accidents. I can guess well my likelihood of screwing up anything I am good at.
Ball choice is something jugglers will never agree on. Many of the great jugglers I have known use stuff I would not recommend, but they make it work, so they must be respected for that.
I am the only person I have seen who can roll the ball from the fingers to the elbow, then to a balance on the elbow over the head. Maybe posting this will motivate me to make a video. I haven’t used my camera in a year or so, and all the manual print and the camera itself is blurry crap.
One nice thing about contact juggling, is it works fine even as you get old and your eyes get fuzzy.