One wheeled motorcycle

Yeah, that concept has been around for a while; still interesting though. A number of real motorized unicycles have actually been built and ridden, but nothing highway-speed-capable like that thing is apparently meant to be, at least not that I’ve heard of. I’m not convinced that such a thing could ever really be workable. A motoruni could be built to attain high speeds, but the issues involved in braking and accelerating, and control at high speeds, would be pretty difficult to deal with, I would think.

Didn’t stop me from fantasizing way back in the late 70’s though. I posted my old drawing last year on this page, post #22

It seems that more attempts at serious motorization have been directed at the unicycle’s even weirder cousin, the monocycle. Upon digging up the link to this page, I see that a good amount of new stuff has been added to it since the last time I looked at it, so it’s worth posting again…