One Wheel Against War

Ok, c’mon. seriously!

I thought I’d put our difference of opinions aside, and let our love for one wheeling unite different ends of the spectrum.

After reading your last post, I have changed my mind.

You’re apparently someone who doesn’t think anything through and should really take his thoughts and move to Iraq, where your ideas are welcome.

Thank god Iraq is on it’s last legs, and as one last show of protest, do me a favour…go plead your case at any Iraqy missle site of your choice.

Again, in the voice of Big Moose…the biggest moron in Riverdale, 'What? Too chicken to invade my home, kill my children, rape my wife?

don’t hold back, let it all out. Killkillkill!’

you’re an ignorant nothing. Live in the ‘new’ world…in the country you oppose…enjoying the freedom it provides.

And trust me…because I know what’s right for the world doesn’t make me want to rape your wife. But that was a good, well thought out argument.


Let’s get back to unicycling

Evil is not the solution to evil.

By attacking Iraq we will only continue the vicious cycle of violence.

The U.S. is supposedly the world’s greatest country, we should be setting an example by being peaceful. It’s the 21st century! Haven’t we learned by now that war is wrong, and does more harm than good?


too bad so many of those ‘checks and balances’ r being eroded courtesy of the patriot act…

there are way too many hidden agenda points involved in this latest mobilization against iraq
the north korea question for example
why go after iraq who may or may not have WMD when n-korea are openly declaring that they have them and r willing to use them?
that is if WMD is your real concern?

why did this build-up to war wait till after the mid-term elections when the threat’s been there for so many years?

why did the shift in america’s enemy no 1 from osama to sadam fall so perfectly in the two week window coinciding with the enron scandal?

go read some

fighting for peace is like ^&#$!*% for virginity

This thread is getting really boring.

Y’all can (redundantly) post all this stuff on any number of other … [checks Phil’s post from the other day] fora [/checks Phil’s post from the other day].

Hell, if ya can’t beat 'em, join 'em, eh?

I think anybody who wants to have a war should go ahead… as long as they’re in the front line with their house and family right behind them… or at least have your house and family directly under one of those nice smart bombs.

America’s government is gonna bomb the crap out of Iraq… it’s been threatening this since late 2001, early 2002…

… who’s the terrorist in this picture?

I vote we kill this thread.

Oh, wait…

I forgot, this is America.

Voting is meaningless.

Same goes for you Canadian Bush fans, who just eat up whatever you see on FOX.

In a strange sort of way, I admire your arrogance, Glutes.

Raphael Lasar
Matawan, NJ


… because, North Korea doesn’t have vast petroleum resources?

Moi ?


[COUGH!] cough [/COUGH!]

I didn’t steal the presidency and rape the Constitution!

I am intrigued by your strange admiration, though, Raphael! Please tell me more!

Salty Snacks of Mass Destruction!

Watch out Germany! You’re next!

I think perhaps your answer lies in the fact that you’re more intrigued by someone’s admiration than by their claim that you are arrogant. :wink:

Raphael Lasar


Good one!

It did take you a while to come up with that retort, though!

But, hey!

I thought this was supposed to be about that guy who swallows pretzels whole and then bounces his face off of coffee tables!

Now it’s getting all personal again!

… and “cheers” ? What are you drinking, Raphael?

hell-on-wheel — Of course you can, its not copyrighted :slight_smile:

i’m sure i’ve read that iraq’s oil, only counts for about 2% of what america has anyway


Well, read this.

That’s a monster-sized cat, what do you feed that thing? You can use the cat to guard all of your stereo/video equipment.

Glutes, if I did not agree with you on the issues I would ignore your hostility, as I have done with posts of that nature on “the other side” of this matter. Your sarcasm and use of irony ad nausaem eventually wind up being counterproductive. IMHO. (I have been guilty of those things at times as well.)

As for what I’m drinking, well, I’m afraid it’s what we’re all drinking these days, namely, a very caustic soda.

Bottoms up,
Raphael Lasar
Matawan, NJ


Looks like somebody’s after Ari Fleischer’s job!

(not you, Raphael, but unibabyguy)

Raphael, if you recognize my sarcasm and irony, why do you consider it hostile?

You are the one who called me arrogant.

I’m nauseated by the complacency of the citizenry and media of the world, and by the hostility of our governments.

Sorry, but I’m not going to join you in a toast of caustic soda.

Raphael Lasar
Matawan, NJ


Truce accepted!

– Gluteous “Peace with Irony and Sarcasm” Maximus

George Bush
a weapon of MASS Destruction

a Kurd gassing Nazi