here is what happened to me:
suddenly I saw that officer in the lobby …
he had a very neat uniform with all decorations on…
I realized what he was about to say :
“I have the deep regret to announce you that your son …”
the world collapsed suddenly…
now I have a suggestion to make:
write to your M.P./representative something like that:
" No doubt that you voted with your conscience.
that’s perfectly fine (that’s why we elect human beings not droids).
Now the deed is done
and since everybody has to share the burden
I suggest that for every casualty of war in your constituency you accompany the officer in charge.
Please do not fake compassion (with that face of a cat in a sandbox) stay with the family some time and so come back with empathy.
I suggest also that at the end of the war you visit some iraqi family and try
to tell them something better than
“you son did not die in vain, you are now free”
sad bear