One Website To Rule Them All

I want to make a really good unicycling website. Dont get me wrong, there are some good sites, but I am thinking bigger.

If anyone else wants to help me in my project, I’d really like the help. Also I want one or two more people who know HTML or CSS. I know basic - advanced HTML 4.0 (not 3.0!!), And basic - intermediate CSS. If anyone knows php that would also be cool.

Basically, combine: it’s finished)

All into one site.

hey what about :frowning: :frowning: :frowning:

and The Unicyclopedia.

I think that it would be really cool to have a uni site like

full of stuff like ‘unicycle checks’ pro interviews, and so on

that take alot of work and time id think they would have nemerous people doing that all the time but ya that would be asome :slight_smile: .

Re: One Website To Rule Them All

If this is a project, you require project plan. The first thing you need is a set of objectives. (“Big” isn’t a very helpful roadmap.)

What do you want to accomplish?

After you clearly state “what” you want to accomplish, then you can determine how best to accomplish it. (And asking for help makes some sense at that point.)

Often, smaller is better. Something focused and doable may provide more value to the community.

The title of this tread sais “To Rule Them All”.
But then you start with “I’m thinking bigger”…
…and finish with small technical details.

Maybe irrelevant but I just wonder where your need to rule, your motivation/energy, and later your satisfaction does come from.

Nevertheless I gladly support your initiative. So please contact me with more specific needs.

I know it would perhaps be hard, but how about “combining” some of the already existing sites? For example ,you could have reviews of unicycles combined with the possibility to buy the unicycles from Also, if you have news, that could be “linked up with” other relevant websites, for exaqmple runnig updates on the resuts of major events?

I guess that would be more like a webring, that it would be a lot of work and that you would need to get permission from the webasters and owners of other websited, but I also guess that it would be a success.

You could also in some way use the 2006 UNICON to market your site. I know they have an official site, but maybe you could get some “official information” from them? I have a website on rarther special topics and need to use every chanse when these are in media to maket my website. With marketing strategies, I easily pass 100 requests for my site every day and if something happens, it often exceeds a few 1000. Unicycling is bigger, so you could manage a lot if you have a good website and do good marketing (the last is important and takes time).

Anyways, I’m not too good in the HTMKL and PHP stuff, but I have marketed some websites and thus have some experience with this… I guess that my help will not be needed in a while, if it ever will.