what a classic, instead of blabbing/posting GB4 PM’ed me and got all that crap for a song… ( i would “buy it now” too)
after thinking about it once again tonite, i sould have paid someone to take it all. not for the Gilby oversite of someone useing my spam dumping tag but for the truth that the 2003 Cal MUni Week-end T-shirt was the ugliest Pee-Green thing ever represented on 1 wheel. what the hell were you think JF?
my friend DDR still has his and its now a dull yellow urine stained off yellow…ahhhh, good times.
Hey thanks, J, for the memory. The Midwest Regional issue of OOW shown in the picture was the issue about us hosting Regionals here in Rochelle. I had to pull out the issue and read what I wrote in the articles again. What a great time. Thanks for reminding me.