one foot balance

Hi, I’m not sure wether this has been posted before, Fairly sure it hasn’t

I was standing in my room balancing on one foot, no unicycle or anything, and seeing how long I could do it with my eyes closed…

I got 2:37, wondering if this is avarage…


Yes. That is average.


Here’s a 2006 post about balancing on one foot with your eyes closed (in the middle of a thread about balance). This was VERY hard to find, because words like “balance stand one foot” turned up so many results. According to the following, you are not average – you are super-human.

Do you have to have good balance to be a good unicyclist?

More Balance

This is such a long time that I wonder if the test was done according to the “rules” as stated in the NYT article, that is, without hopping around or arms flailing.

  1. Stand straight, wearing flat, closed shoes, with your arms folded across your chest. Raise one leg, bending the knee about 45 degrees, start a stopwatch and close your eyes.

  2. Remain on one leg, stopping the watch immediately if you uncross your arms, tilt sideways more than 45 degrees, move the leg you are standing on or touch the raised leg to the floor.

  3. Repeat this test with the other leg.

Now, compare your performance to the norms for various ages:


  • 20 to 49 years old: 24 to 28 seconds.
  • 50 to 59 years: 21 seconds.
  • 60 to 69 years: 10 seconds.
  • 70 to 79 years: 4 seconds.
  • 80 and older: most cannot do it at all. [/LIST]

    I tried it this morning and can only manage about 6 seconds. Perhaps this is why I have never learned to idle more than 6 strokes or ride backwards confidently.

  • I was just testing it. but yeah, I was flailing my arms and hopping/shuffling about everynow and then…

    no, I didnt have my arms crossed either.

    I’ll go and test it again witht he rules.

    Cheers guys

    Aged 46, I just tried it on each leg according to the rules and was able to do it until I got bored. Well over 28 seconds. See what a lifetime of Morris dancing and unicycling does for you?

    Leaves you with nothing better to do than to hop around your flat on one leg?

    I just did it by the rules and felt that I could do it for as long as I liked. My sister helped time and I stopped at 3 mins. Those times stated are weird. Once you like get in the zone then its easy.

    i got bored at 1:20 to those rules.I couldn’t care less really how long i can balance for, as long as I can balance lol.

    Should I try? Or would that necessitate, for no good purpose, the irretrievable loss of my life’s precious minutes?


    Luxury! It’s a paper bag in a septic tank…:wink:

    Time for a break at the office so I just tried this. First several attempts were awful. Under 10 seconds on either side and I was better on my left!

    On the third or fourth try I finally got 25 seconds on left and 50 on the right.

    I’m quitting while I’m ahead.

    Edit: Next time I won’t do it in clear site of my office mates.