One Amazing Domino Run!

Thats cool! Hard work.

That is the first time I have actually watched a video like that all the way through, most of them get repetitive. But keep in mind that it did not do that without help, you could tell at the part that said pow that one went too far off and started a different segment. I really liked it though, I thought it must be getting near done at about three minutes then I looked down and noticed it was only half way that was a big shock.

That was amazing!!!

Pretty awesome, would’ve been better if it were one continuous shot though, like this one for example, because since it was cut so many times it looks like it wasn’t “real.”

:astonished: :astonished: :astonished: WOW!!! They must have a lot of time on thier hands!

If this is the right link, this is cool:

That’s because it wasn’t “real” The plaque at teh beginning says it uses montage.

This one is awesome cause it is amateur and uses household items.
