On saturday 07-05 it was one year since i had my last cigarette

go me

Up in smoke :slight_smile:

I had a cigarette once in college. I’d pull out a cigarette during a party or as an excuse to go to the 7-11 at 3:00 am during an all night study session (7-11 sold individual cigarettes). A lot of it was just to see the reaction from people “hey, you don’t smoke”. I think I had a total of 5 cigarettes during my college career.

Good job on kicking the habit. Let’s see you go another year. :smiley:

Nice work sir! My attempt ground to a smouldering halt after bad weekend. I’m finding it hard to stop for a second time having experienced 2 months of withdrawal. I’m trying to rope a friend into being my quitting buddy. Did you quit au natural or did you use patches etc?


thank u my good man
au naturel
with a three week UK and European holiday to take the edge off the first three weeks followed by 344 of respiratorial fortitude, personal steadfastness and the living hell of wanting a cigarette and not having one

kids, don’t start…

[edit]this is probably my 10th quitting excursion that’s gone longer than 3-7 days
i read somewhere that most smokers require an average of 15 attempts before it sticks
but if u just don’t have that next one, u would’ve beaten the odds

yaaaay, happy smokeless day!! let’s have a party!

Congratulations, GILD. That is something to be proud of and celebrate.

Thats quite the run you’ve got going there. Keep up the good work and here’s to another year!

Awesome stuff GILD, well done! If you’ve gone that long surely you’ve kicked the habbit by now and can’t be craving them any more - or can you? Boy it must be really addicting…

good for you!!! i wish my mom would stop…and my dad =-O. but excellent for you! i hear its real hard. like any addiction


I’ve done the same, but alas… I’m smokn again

good job gild

The first of many years to come, I hope.

thanx for all the kind words
i hope to see u all here again next year, in the meantime

DigitalDave, meet Mr Boogiejuice
Mr Boogiejuice, meet DigitalDave…

Nice to meet you DigitalDave…

…You got a light?

Congratulations! (from an ex-smoker).

I got an extra lighter if you want one :smiley:
I get a free lighter with every pack at my gas station.
Nice to know I can get somthing for free while paying excessive money on gas and killn myself with smoke.

Come to Britain and you get to pay extortionate amounts on cigarettes too. A pack of marlboro costs about $10 now. Hence I smoke rollups with foreign writing on the tobacco packet.

whooo- go GILD! Very impressive, very impressive indeed!

Way to go, Dave, and all the best in the future.

And on Sunday 07-05-06, it’ll be two years.

Go me some more.