On my way to fame

sweet i made it into this weeks issue of The music Network.

Oh i am buzzing, just over a quarter page write-up, nice picture and quite an amusing interview.

i am all smiles.
maybe some would be employer sees it? :slight_smile:

Nice Tom! I have no idea what the last sentence says though. I know you sure are hilarious! heh I can’t think about the Cosmo blog without giggling like a gitty school girl.

what did it say?


you know who is more famouse? HITLER! c hail!

Not famous you looking for the word infamous and he was nothing but a coward… Why do people idolize such a loser it is far beyond me… :thinking:

you are very uneducated in what came out of the holocaust. about 2/3 of the medical technology we have today is due to human testing by hitlers brutal concentration camps. his doctors are the reason we can perform such things as heart transplants and brain surgery. his attempts (while admitably brutal and in most cases wrong) got us to the level of medical technology we have today.

I can’t comment about the medical tech. because I do not know about it. I said hitler was infamous basicly being famous for doing terrible things like concentration camps and the killing of so many people for no actual reason other than he didn’t like them. Although I do thank you for being somewhat civil and presenting somewhat of an actual argument. I do know that the( like most people) holocaust was terrible especially since I am jewish and many other races that he decided to murder.

I do know about the holocaust since I am jewish and had relatives die because of the holocaust it has been told to me ever since I can remember.

i dont support what he did. just try to make lemonade with lemons yuhknow. but at the same time what america did to the native americans was very similar to what hitler did. but noone bashes the founding fathers for their indian removal tactics.

some do, and more should.

I do make this point and believe it was also wrong for us to do. Also if the holocaust was nothing else but a useless mass murder atleast we did get some useful knowledge to save lives and make better for all.

now thats what im talking about.

Looks like we have found common ground, atlast.

http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendid=85883303 hope you dont mind man

dont mind at all JJ

and Howdigetsogood, hate is such a strong word but i really think that you may be worth it.

your not even that good anyway. What type of username is a question? without appropriate punctuation.

I was not starting a fame competition thread, i was merely showing off an achievment that i am proud of and for you to come along and liken it to Hitler…

If i could be bothered working out how to use my ignore list i would go straight to adding you onto it, but frankly your not really worth the effort.

Now bugger back off into cyberspace and find yourself a new sport.

well sorry to burst youre bubble but i dont plan to quit unicycling but the fact that so many queerbates such as yourself participate in the sport is very very discouraging. but with my talen its just not worth quitting.im just to fucking good, and the only reason i can think of for you to wish for me to quit is frankly because youre not good at all yourself. so with less good unicyclers such as myself it will make you a poor poor example of a unicycler look better.

you are a really strange person.

WOW That’s pretty intense but a good read howdigetsogood, I’m not going to give up unicycling either. When unicycling, there’s only one you can go forward and up. Besides when you master the unicycle. There’s no limit to what else you can do. :smiley: :smiley:

I never said to give up unicycling. I just said find another sport. Although i wouldn’t recomend a team sport, you dont come across as the kind of person that could work well with others.
As for wanting to be better at unicycling than you, i could care less. You could absoloutley shite all over me and it wouldn’t matter, i unicycle because i enjoy it, not because i want to be better than eveyone else.

By all means, keep unicycling, although dont bother practicing, your too good for that anyway.

and Hazmat, how is that a good read? i do not even understand the last part.

You racist son of a bitch. having white power as your custom user title.
and seriously do you have sex with yourself everynight, you seem to like youself… A LOT.
Why did you just com into this thread to tease Tom. THAT IS NOT COOL.
well done on whatever this thread is about Tom.
See how easy was that?