On being tired of cranksflips

as always things are best in moderation

i also cant stand videos that have a huge flip section
but i dont mid it when it is intermeingled with otherthings,eg post jumps to flip ,backs down stairs,

also aren flips freestyle?

Flipping sets takes alot more skill than jumping down bigger sets and also it probly takes more courage and comitment. There is alot more to think about when flipping a set than just jumping down one also having to take your feet off the pedals and landing them again is harder and increases risk of injury greatly.

People who say they like to see big street with flips down large sets and big drops probably dont realise how hard it is on your body and your equipment. the higher you jump from the more it hurts. If you get a crankflip on the flat wrong you may hurt your ankle but normaly your fine, when you make the same mistake down a set it hurts alot more and chances are you may break something or end up not being able to ride for a while.

You can uni-spin sets and they’re trickier but look more impressive.

This brings up an interesting question.
What happened to the no-footer?? It’s THE GREATEST trick ever!!!
It’s also one of the hardest. It took my forever to the smallest no-footers off of drops and sets are so amazingly hard to do. The biggest I’ve gotten has been a three set. I tried a four set but I landed on the third step…

A more intersting question: Why are we discussing Crank Flips in JC? All those RSU readers are missing out on your excellent unicycle discussion.

Yeah… we could make it a JC conversation though…

–Crankflips SUCK!!

– +1!!

– No, you suck!!

Haha, or maybe not. I say not.

Anybody know where non-footers went. Xav does them killer…


true dat brutha, true dat. i gotta say i don’t think u spam the crank flip as much as some. ur stuff on the whole seems more creative and rare.

for noobs

i have to say i think it is harder for riders that have only been riding since new school street cam out to see my point. for those of us who been droppin the knowledge since the days when street was barely even heard, the crankflip is a pretty simple trick, that is easy to do while rolling. thats why its so popular. and i agree with spencer. i try to put almost no flips in my vids. makes you more creative and gives ur lines far more prestige.
check out my vid you’ll see what i mean.


your vids are good to watch but you do seem to have some great places to ride which does make it more intresting and original.


But, the excuse of not having enough ‘good’ place./spots to ride is a poor excuse, of lack of creativity.

There are plenty of things to trick onto and off to, it doesnt just have to be a ledge or a set, it can be skinnys, rocks, rails, anything. Hell, unispin onto a rail, ride along it, 360 off.Thad be sweet.

I think its because most people just try to do things off sets and off ledges that make things boring, they need to start doing stuff off stuff, onto things, and into a natural setting.

There are only so many things you can do with a curb. :stuck_out_tongue:
I know what you mean, I try to make an effort to do different things but when you dont have much to work with and your not great at riding it does make it alot harder.

The problem with crankflips in videos is not the flips themselvs or the variations. Its the film quality, the camera angles, the creativity of the rider…and so on.

FLIPS are about flow and smoothness. Flips are not that hard, but getting them smooth enough to flip in a big spin or 540 uni spin that shows how smooth the rider can actually be. This is true as long as it is filmed well. When someone makes a video that centralizes on flips it becomes a bit more boring. When they spend more time trying to land their new flip trick, rather than thinking what the shot will look like on screen. This is because its not as apealing to the eyes, its just food for thought, WHOA he just flipped up a three, did a full varial flip and 180 fliped back down… impressive to think about, but can easaly be filmed wrong and look unimpressive. The problem isnt within flip tricks, its that everyone with a camrera is making videos, and well alot of us can flip now. I think a good street uni vid should have flips, it shows controll flow and smoothness, and hell thorwing nice smooth flip before grinding a handrail will show that you can grind very comfortably. land the grind and trey as you ride away. nothin to boring about that… the shot was the about the grind and i bet teh flip before and trey after didnt make the grind any more boring, it just showd that the rider was willing to ruin their shot cause they feel they have enough skill to link tricks together… I think we should stop seperating big street and new street, and step it up, why cant we go big and be techy at the same time? isnt that the true problem? Not the flips themseleves but not taking this new"tech"street to the big leagues.

very true, on all points…but i still think people are too stuck on crankflips