so I don’t know about u guys, but i’m pretty much sick of seeing videos that are entirely crankflips variants. I love backflips cuz they’re cooler looking and less over done, and double flips are cool too. but on the whole, i think people are focusing on crankflips way too much. i think people should work more on old school tricks that take more skill and in turn look cooler. like seat under bigspins or 540 unispins. i just see way to many crankflips. they would be cool if they weren’t sooooo overdone. and they’re really not that hard.
New school is the rage right now. Personally I LOVE flip tricks. It’s neat to see how creative people get with them. Nay. They’re amazing!!
But for me, I ride old school because I feel pretty much the way you do.
I wish that there were more pros doing old school right now… I think that it’s pretty much just Dan…
Oh well…
P.S. this should be in RSU
i do more old school because i can’t quite do crankflips very well.
i cant do any of it and i cant land uni spins any more so its all good to me…
To me, being able to crank flip means you obviously put a lot of time and practice into your riding, as it takes a long time to become good at them. I think someone who can crank-flip is dedicated… but this doesn’t mean I don’t think the trick is overused. It is used way too much, but I still like to see, as Goats said, the creativity people can get. Just a normal flip down a three set is boring. But if you throw in a uni-spin, or a 180, it beomes interesting.
Ya I know what you mean. Big unispins, big street, and grinds are soo much cooler to watch then crankflips. I find it rele annoying when a poor quality video shows crankflips because you can barely see them.
Also, when a non-rider watches a crankflip, they probably wouldn’t even see it or understand how hard it is.
I never found flips very hard…
I agree, I have gotten sick of seeing vids with a ton of crankflip tricks so I have pretty much stopped doing them. I think not doing flips in a vid forces you to be more creative to still make it impressive.
Most flip variations aren’t visually exciting to see so the vids can get very monotonous even if all the flips are different. Not all the time though, I really like Luke’s tre sideflips down the set and other less common things.
Flips are, and still will be, one of the main parts of street unicycling. Just wait, flips might not be cool to watch now(even though I think they are the best)…in the future, there will be flips in rails, flips down double digit sets, and other huge flip variations.
All flip videos get kind of boring. I like them though. There are a ton of flip tricks it is nice to see something offering that many tricks. This seems like a normal divide between new/old school and technical/big. I think going big and small technical tricks are just as hard as the other to some extent depends on the rider etc, but you can’t really say which is harder. Flips are also a recent discovery so I am sure there is much more to come and many more impressive tricks.
You just made this thread to get out of learning to treyflip didnt you? You still should. But I kinda agree.
and Spencer
Yeah I think the flips are kinda boring. Its pretty cool to see new ones but it gets kinda old. I really like Luke’s videos cause he has a great style.
crankflips are sweet cos you can do them down big sets.
I love big street like doing rails and flipping sets and stuff. I hate flatland, Its the most boring style (sorry flatland riders).
i say screw tricks
lets go gap something massive that noone else will even attempt. enough said.
and while skrobo lies in the hospital with a broken leg or 2…
crankflipping a 5 is way more impressive than any gap/set/drop you have ever done
and with the crankflip over the 5 you will get way less hurt on the same fall over a 11 set
He did a 14ft drop or so I have heard that to me is much more impressive than a crankflip over a 5set. I don’t think I would even jump 14ft to sand just jumping any way especially on a uni haha.
yeah i bet he did… not ( no offence skrobo) 14 ft is huge. the difference between a crankflip and a 14 ft drop is one takes skill. one takes a strong body to take the beating from falling that far. yeah landing a big drop like that takes skill but not much.
I am not going to argue, but I think landing a drop like that is much harder than crankflipping a 5set.
it is harder on your body deffinately. and you think… create a survey on it.
it is harder on your body deffinately. and you think… create a survey on it.
I only do filp variants cause i wouldn’t be able to do certain tricks off stuff without a flip. The only person I know of that can rolling unispin sets without a flip is Alex Toms.
Yeah, there are heaps of cool non-flip tricks.