that seems like a terriffic way to kill yourself omg it would be so easy to get hurt if you landed it just shy of perfectly.
Habby, that roll thing is a combat roll…Its like a running summersault.
like when you roll out of a jump? that roll thing?
yeah…its a combat roll.
It’s a right shoulder jujitsu roll, yes, and No your head does NOT touch the ground in the slightest. and let me just say that what you see in those videos is only a tiny portion of our sport, our sport is actually very safe and an excellent workout if you know what your doing and are disciplined in your training, most of the stuff we do is at ground level, Roof gaps are not even considered parkour UNLESS they happen to be the fastest way from point A to point B, and even then are not usually used because they’re too dangerous or too hard on the body, there are other ways to get down off high objects, trust me cause I drill this stuff daily. Most videos you see on the net cannot embody parkour because they’re not one smooth run, there a bunch of chopped and edited clips to “Show off”. the true Traceurs are less likely to post stuff online compared to some 13 year old idiot who thinks flipping is parkour and likes to jump off of high objects and hurt himself.
IF anyone here is serious about learning this as a sport or a discipline feel free to add me to MSN. but please please PLEASE don’t go out and start doing this without researching it a little bit first, it takes alot of know how.
I can also link people to tutorials on rolls, jumps, vaults, and general training information if people are interested.
Well since you said this isnt real Parkour…Maybe you could posta video of a good free runner(I call it free running) in action?
If people are curious as to why I keep refering to it as Le-Parkour or PK that’s because it’s the disciplines original name, free-running is the north american/british bastardised version of the name, if you chose to use it thats your chose and I don’t hold it aginat you, but not I. As for good videos the answer is yes, I have probably 5 gigs worth, unfortunetly most have long sinced been hosted. I’d need to host some, gimmie some time and I’ll get you some good examples.
I’m away for prom this weekend and wont be back untill probably monday night, but I’ll get you guys some good examples for then, in the mean time try digging up videos from a group called TCT, those guys are solid. they too do a little bit of tricking but their parkour is very clean.
I really like the sections on warming up and cooling down. It seems very applicable to unicycling. I do a warmup but I’m thinking it’s not really enough, and I really don’t do a cool down, which I’m thinking I need to fix.
Thank you for the links and discussion!
Wow! That stuff is awsome! Hey, chromizone, I have a trampoline, and we have been making up a lot of tricks, but the only flip I can do is the front flip. I have been too afraid of landing on my head, and in fact, one time, I half did it and almost landed on my head. is there any tips or anything on backfliping?
May I quote Toy Story?
“You sad, sad, little man”.
I’ve met many people with similar points of view to you about parkour, people who enjoy critisizing and rubbish movement that isn’t absolutely efficient and necessary to “move from A to B”.
Congratulations, you have your feeling of self importance. Enjoy it.
[SIZE=2]You also said that Free-running is a Bastardised translation.
Correct, it is a translation.
Have you tried telling someone you do Parkour, then telling someone else you do Free Running? You get a much less blank response if you use a phrase that’s from their native language :).
Regards, AndyC
Rabbithunter018, Technically Parkour doesn’t recognise backflips. Regardless of how awsome they are.
Chase has expressed so vividly how little value backflips they have to the world, no doubt he will only foam at the mouth upon seeing this humble request.
“Ignatious! Is that you chil’?!”
Actually, it’s “You’re a sad, strange little man.”
Yeah, I know that backflipping isn’t really used in Parkour, but I thought that these guys probably know how to do one, and I was just asking for personal tips on how to bring myself to do it. frontflipping is easy because you can start off doing a somersault and then bouncing higher and higher, but there seems to be no way to gradualy learn to backflip.
hahaha, Andycook, I can only laugh. I’m not attempting to be overly critical about what is and isn’t parkour. I’m simply recognizing parkour for what it is, as detailed by it’s creator, David Belle. He himself has said that while he very much enjoys flips and acrobatics, they aren’t truly parkour, but interesting none the less. To be honest I think Tricking is the shit, People that can flip like mad men really impress me… I’m just not silly enough to claim its parkour. I don’t call popping a wheelie on a bike unicycling, and I don’t call flipping parkour.
As for you rabbit hunter, I’m not much of a pro-star trickster so I don’t have much in the way of direct advice, but as I said before please check out they have step by step walk throughs on learning back flips as well as video tutorials, THOSE guys are pro at what they do, and pretty funny too. But I will say that I’ve heard doing flips on trampoline is a good way to learn disastrous habits that can inhibit you from flipping well on the ground.
I have SOME videos of myself doing parkour on my computer, but most are a year old or so and as such aren’t the greatest in quality (quality of movement not video quality) I’ve improved a lot since then and am hoping to have better footage captured sometime this summer, if there’s interest then I’ll post it, but I’m not amazing, just very interested.