OMG people are starting to like us!

i was unicycling today and a whole load of people gave me nice comments like, " you are awsome" and wow you’re really good at that!" and i just felt like, wow people ar starting to accept us unicyclists! (cuz i have a friend who lives just down the road and unicycles)

dude, if you live around any old people, they’re bound to say that. lol. It happens to me when unicycling at my grandmas place, i usually get walkers complimenting me.

one time i was teaching a group of kids to uni, and i decided to show some skills, and decided to ride backwards (its amusing to them), i almost ran into an old lady, with her daughter helping her walk. I’m being polite and mature and I say, ‘Oh sorry!’, and apologize to them quickly, but being apologetic soon shrugged off when i saw the old lady (maybe 80’s 90’s, just really old looking), was scowling at me. Same goes for the lady helping her! They were both extremely mad. I mean holy crap, i cant see behind me.

If that same old lady has almost run you over with her car while you were riding, but then apologized and shrugged it off, would you still be mad at her? I mean, holy crap, she can’t see over the steering wheel. That excuses her, right?


One thing I have noticed is that younger people, especially skateboarders and also mtb-ers are showing more interest in learning to ride a uni! They often stop me to ask all about it, where they can buy one, etc. Less than two years ago, whenever one would see me riding you could just tell that they didn’t have any respect for it. that seems to be changing with all the positive comments lately.:smiley:

these guys were like young chavs who run people over with their mini motors, and they aren’t normally old!

Alot of the respect, too, comes from you doing Muni on trails they have problems with those damn two-wheeled contraptions. I’m sure, at first, they are like “this dude is nucking futs!” Now, after seeing you time and time again, getting better, they reconsider it. And if you have a pimped out ride, oh yeah. That’s a show stopper in itself. A unicycle with a mountain tire and a brake?? Man, this might be worth it afterall!

its true, i unicycle with derek (cheesedonkey888) for hours every day and the CHAVs and yobs stopped knifing people and playing with guns and said “wow you rule, innit bruv”

Not around here, Most are just annoying (skate boarders) like I was riding hopping around, holding on to the handle, and this little skateboarder kid decided it was hilarious to ride around holding his genitalia, bending his knees to act like he was hopping too. These people are annoying!

I do get a lot of positive comments from people generally though, especially older people and mums with their kids. these people are nice!

Security guards are annoying though, there is the holy grail of trials just down the read from me (400 palates+!) But you cant be there for over half an hour without a bloke turning up telling you to leave, Colchester a cycling town now, they should support us unicyclists!:smiley:

people arent more appreciating the sport, people are more appreciating you.

Not around here, Most are just annoying (skate boarders) like I was riding hopping around, holding on to the handle, and this little skateboarder kid decided it was hilarious to ride around holding his genitalia, bending his knees to act like he was hopping too. These people are annoying!

one chav around my parts thought it was hilarios to say that my yellow qu ax handle was my genitals and said, “oh, why are you holding your cock, circus boy” i ignored him and started jumping up park benchs and then he actaully thought it was cool :sunglasses:
i also hate why people think holding the handle to jumpis cheating because all bkers hold the handles of there bkes while doing jumps. Grrrrr :roll_eyes:

Yeah I get that from 10 year olds!

i have found it depends on skill level, if you so something crazy(to a normal person) you get mad respect, even from people who were just dissing you a few minuites before.

Yah, I had to get my pedals removed from my KH (They were stuck completly) so I went to the bike shop and all the employees were like “Oh that stuff’s crazy, have you seen it on youtube?!” to one another. And I showed some skills in the parking lot to one employee.

I always receive praise and hardly ever get dissed. Most people think its awesome, and say something positive and its been a LONG time since I’ve heard anything negative, and when I do, I just “show-off” to shut them up:p

Most of the comments I get are positive. I very rarely get negative comments from anyone. Some just ignore me, and others are like Wow! How cool! Even Teenagers. Mostly girls though. The teenage guys are more commonly the ignorers. :wink:

I pretty much always get ignored. Occasionally someone will tell me to “do a trick”, but since I can’t really do anything I ignore them and they ignore me back.

from the wink i can tell that you know this is not necessarily a bad thing:)

i was walking home from school, pushing the unicycle (i do circus skills for a sport, its just an excuse to show off :slight_smile: ) and i get some kids saying “show us some unicycling!”
so you ride around a bit, then throw in a “crazy” static gap, then keep on walking