Got Torker giraffe yesterday and assembled it.
The uni looks cool in red and all but trying to ride it… impossible!
Got on the uni using a mini-van to step on, rode 3ft… then promptly fell.
It’s scary up there! I am actually scared to ride this thing.
Has anyone gotten hurting riding a giraffe? Alas, this is also my first 20in uni.
Any tips?
I rode and mounted a 20" giraffe the other day, it only took about 5 mins to get it…i held onto a tree, stepped onto the wheel so it didnt move. Then with the pedals vertical i put my foot on the lowest pedal then kinda climbed up…if i needed to fall off yu jus sort of jump back holding onto the uni thats how i learnt anyways, id imagine yu can do a rolling mount when you get better
Of course it’s impossible, it only has one wheel! But isn’t that a picture of you in your avatar? Hmmm.
Don’t be silly. no one has ever gotten hurt riding a giraffe.
They almost always stay fine until they hit the ground!
As you have probably figured out by now, your large wheel-riding instincts are kind of opposite from what you need for a giraffe, even a short one like that. Find something you can ride next to, like a wall or chain-link fence. Then you can go a little bit at a time to get used to the idea. At first it may seem really jerky but that’s just because you aren’t used to such a small, light wheel. You should have it in half an hour at the absolute outside, more likely a few minutes.
Then you can learn to idle and go backwards, which are much more important/useful skills on a giraffe. They will increase your safety, especially if you ride near people or things.
Of course it’s impossible, it only has one wheel! But isn’t that a picture of you in your avatar? Hmmm.
Don’t be silly. no one has ever gotten hurt riding a giraffe.
They almost always stay fine until they hit the ground! Har har.
As you have probably figured out by now, your large wheel-riding instincts are kind of opposite from what you need for a giraffe, even a short one like that. Find something you can ride next to, like a wall or chain-link fence. Then you can go a little bit at a time to get used to the idea. At first it may seem really jerky but that’s just because you aren’t used to such a small, light wheel. You should have it in half an hour at the absolute outside, more likely a few minutes.
Then you can learn to idle and go backwards, which are much more important/useful skills on a giraffe. They will increase your safety, especially if you ride near people or things.
The uni looks orange in the photo. If it’s actually red it’s much cooler!
Last first: Yes, people have gotten hurt of giraffes. They’ve also gotten hurt on chairs, with scissors and plain old walking. Getting hurt is always a possibility in life. As long as you remember to save yourself, not the unicycle, when you fall you should be okay.
On riding, I’d start with a chain link fence as john suggests. These double as good ways to mount. Face the unicycle into the fence with the pedals level, step on the tire with the foot corresponding to the back pedal, step up the forward pedal, then get over the seat, then the last foot on. All of this can be done while holding the fence, which makes it pretty sane. I recommend tennis courts.
It might be less scary of you work on idling holding the fence for awhile, to get the feel of the thing.
Thank you all for your excellent advice! John, you’re funny… have you thought a career as stand-up comedian?
I will attempt again on a tennis court with helmet and pads.
I also have a 5 ft Torker and I have never hurt myself on it. Although one time my soot slipped and I fell off as opposed to catching myself and I ended up falling off and to my surprise and joy, I didn’t feel a thing (but of course you should always wear a helmet, especially on this). As for mounting it, I still have not quite gotten that down yet since I don’t focus on my giraffe as much.
Congrats on aquiring a giraffe! I hope you end up having as much fun as I am with mine. I now own a 5 foot Nimbus and a 6 foot Schwinn.
I have no idea what your skill level is so don’t take offense to these questions:
Can you idle well?
Can you ride backwards somewhat?
These are considered required skills for riding a giraffe - for your safety and anyone near you. Other great advice that I got from John is to practice dismounting in all directions just to get comfortable with it. Doing that will remove any fear so you can get on with it.
Also, keep an eye on your lockring. If it comes loose unexpectedly while riding, you could have a very awkward unplanned dismount.
I got a £60 reflex 5’ giraffe as a christmas prezzie - same issues as you first time out. Second time (running along a fence) worked great and I got used to the hieght. Then moved on to using a wire fence by the tennis courts (already suggested) and it really worked well.
After a few goes, I’m happy stepping off (I always dismount forwards) I found I was instinctively grabbing the uni even when falling off.
So, as with most of these skills, just keep trying.
I am still struggling with the freemount though - but at 55 years young it takes a bit longer to learn!
It is really not difficult…once you get past the instinctive scary bit. Remember that in reality you are only a couple of feet or so above the ground. Not five feet above it! Make sure you fall forward, land on your feet, ( good advice on any uni) and it is a little like jumping off a 2 foot garden wall. Even the very heavy DM 5 foot machines are quite easy to ride by anyone with basic 20 inch skills.
Just take it easy the first few tries.