Anyone catch it? I only saw it because my better half was watching it, wouldn’t have bothered otherwise. However, I thought that the monowheels were quite cool.
what mono wheels ?
I saw bits of it but I didn’t see any monowheels
Have a look through here, there’s a few pics of them. They were referred to as ‘‘Light wheels’’ I think, there were 50 i think.
Pics 10, 20, 22, and 49.
yeah man them monocycles were sick… wonder if they’ll be avalible in the US anytime soon
i think it’s on right now for me. i’ll check it out.
Did anybody else find the mayor of London hilarious to watch?
ok. coolest thing ever. jackie chan was in the closing ceremony. he was singing. so cool.
Lol, I think thats quite bad, for me he lost a load of his coolness when he done an advert for Woolworths with the stupid puppets.
i’ve never seen that. i thought it was pretty funny.
Yeah. He doesn’t really give out a great impression to the rest of the world. Although he is a better mayor of london than the other people who went for it as he is bearable to watch becuse of his comical mistakes.
Infact. I did see the monowheels in the olympic closing ceremony. My tv is rubbish so I couldn’t tell what they were at the time.
Wait, do you mean
1) What are monowheels???
2) Where were the monowheels???
I just looked at the pics are they the wheels those guys are riding in?
Yes I was watching it at a party and everyone in the room laughed like hell when Boris (Johnson, mayor of London) took the stage. He is a classic English public school buffoon, and is loved all the more for it in some areas of society. When he came to debate at The Union in Oxford the queue for tickets started 8 hours early, and hundreds of people turned out just to see him walk through the entrance. Atleast he didn’t get the flag wrapped round his head like the Chinese guy did.
And yes for the record Britain is entirely about red double-decker buses, rain and ethnic minorities.
Not just any double-decker…IT WAS A TRANSFORMER!
How cool is that? Does it become a Megatron too??
no they’re all like that in the UK
Better than Cuba’s closing ceremony: