Olympic coverage

apparently there is fairly good funding for the Canadian Olympic team( i don’t really know) but it’s very missmanaged. We Canadians have twice as many support staff in Athens as we have athelets. Plus the politicians that go over to “support” our atheles go on the olympic budget. How many people does it take to lace a runners shoes before the race? I think there should be a serious look at how the money is distrubuted to the atheletes. Also, Canada in there infinite wisdome upped the standard required for atheltes to compete in the games. It’s sometimes the underdogs that do the best and make the most of the experience. Lori anne muenzer , the track sprinter that won gold, almost didn’t go cause she couldnt afford it. A friend lent her the money to go. That is ridiculous. A world class athelete has to rely on friends to get her anywhere. The COC really need to smarten up and do what’s right.