Olympic coverage

I’m sick of this crap in the olympics:

I can’t stand all thenews coverage from uneducated reporters who talk about how canada only has 3 medals, what do they expect, the only real chances we have are our semi pro athletes, because they’re the only ones getting any real support and training. Our amateur athletes have nothing, you’ve seen the comercial of that athlete working in the coffee shop and the guy writes “bring home the gold” on the bill, well that’s what it’s like for them. all those lazy, useless people and unknowledgeable reporters needa shut up. they don’t know what they’re talking about, they’re just trying to make money with the coverage they get. the rest of the year you all could care less about them. so instead of talking @#$% for 2 weeks of the year and forgetting them the rest of the time, we needa get some real support and programs set up to help out our athletes so that we can become competative with the rest of the world.


… saying our athletes are crap, they train so hard for four years prepairing for that moment. there canada’s best if you think there so crap why aren’t you up there.

Maybe you could organise a Uni ride/event to help raise money for the Candian Olympic team. It would be a great way to show support for the athletes, raise money for the athletes, raise awarness for their need for $$$ if they want to send a competitive team, and help improve the image of unicycling. That is what I call win/win/win.

Hey, it’s a serious post by Logan! COOL!

I haven’t noticed the reports talking about Canada that way. But Canada’s not very populous (I think that’s a word), so obviously they’ll have less Olympian-material athletes.

I know what you’re saying, but it’s common for neighbouring countries to talk this way about each other. There’s an Australian show called The Dream that’s on during the Olympics, and they make alotta fun of the New Zealanders. First time I saw they were showing medal tallies, showed the top five or so countries and then showed how New Zealand had 0 medals in anything, and a total of 0.

Then the next day I saw it, a beutiful new scoreboard came up towards the end of the show. Athens total medals: x gold x silver x bronze for a total of x vs. New zealand 0,0,0 and total of 0. Oh, how we love to make fun of New Zealand. But yes it does sound like the reporters were being harsh, the guys that host this show are paid to be funny.

Kind of off-topic but, I HATE the diving announcer on the TV she has no f***ing clue what she is talking about, and talks way way wayyyy too much, to the point to where i can barely watch the diving without getting so pissed off at her that i want to poop my pants!!!The worst part is when I muted her they gave her a fricken pen so she can draw on the screen and stuff, so just watching diving of any sort, makes me want to puke.

Oh and Canada Rules!!!

…I guess.

I don’t like the synchronized diving. It’s kinda dumb, in my not-so-humble opinion.

I think he should lobby the government for increased funding for the Canadian Olympic team. :wink:

Raphael Lasar
Matawan, NJ

They already have free healthcare, what shouldn’t the government(taxpayers) pay for.:stuck_out_tongue:

Wow, that’s amazing yo. I love you too!

no I’m not talking about from other countries, just random internal news groups. there so ignorant.

what’s this mean:

boyrider "Wow, that’s amazing yo. I love you too! "

You mustn’t have seen any of our gross/net paystubs

Free indeed :frowning:

I was being sarcastic. I realize it’s not free for those that work. Only for those that don’t.

What do you think about this?

It blows.

At least we have 2 GOLD medals now - but yes i understand, we make a lot of fun of the aussies as well, however we can’t do it about the olypics really…

How are the sheep over there?

But out of interest what do you guys actually say about us?

I’d just like to see something other than swimming, diving, and gymnastics…

They showed about 10 minutes of women’s wrestling and that was the best coverage since the games started…

Yeah, really. Every night the only thing on are swimming or gymnastics. A few days ago they started track and field, finally, which is a lot of fun to watch.
But I still just want to see the Olympic Ping Pong.

I support that.

They way I understand our system, the support that our athletes get from the government is only significant during the time span of approximately one year before the olympics. I’m not sure if our government has figured out that it takes more than a year of hard training to be really competetive in the olympics.

While we’re venting about reporters, I was watching track cycling yesterday, and the reporter kept saying that the race “comes down to the athlete that wants it more”. How stupid a comment is that? It’s not at all who wants to win more, they both really want to win. Common sense tells us that the athlete who has the better race wins, and that tends to come down to physical and mental capabilities. How do you measure how much somebody wants to win? I bet some of the first people eliminated wanted it just as much as those who actually won.

OK, i’m done.