Oldest post on this website?

Does anybody know what the very first thread on this website was? I found posts from the 90s and they’re amazing to read.

Here’s a funny one I just found: http://www.unicyclist.com/forums/archive/index.php/t-8115.html

I also saw this one with Kris Holm asking for advice on a trick can’t remember what it was.

It looks like it may be thread 5816. I am on mobile, so I can’t paste the URL, but hopefully you can figure that out.

Here is the link to thread 5816 from 1993 :smiley:

Interesting things there for me are the “cogsci.indiana.edu” hostname and Terry Jones’s “santafe.edu” email address. I haven’t seen his name before but he was in the middle of some interesting stuff in those days, at least for those of use who read Gödel, Escher, Bach in college and were following the “artificial life” work coming out of Santa Fe around that time.

You still around, Terry?

How do you see the thread numbers?

It’s in the URL if nowhere else. Look at the URL pasted above. See where it says “t-8115.html” at the end? That’s thread 8115. Non-archived threads work similarly but not identically (t=8115).

Thanks. Also figured you can just type a year into the search bar and it’ll take you to the navigation thing and you can look at a whole list of ancient history.