Older KH Freeride Saddle (can trade MountainUni disc rotors and sinz cranks)

I need an older KH Freeride saddle in decent shape.

I have 2-3 sets of MountainUni rotors and sinz cranks (155 and 145mm) that I can trade for the saddle. If you have one lying around and want to tinker with disk brakes in your uni, this may be a good trade for you.

I am interested in paying for the seat too, name your price.

Sinz Cranks

I know your post may be a bit dated, but if you still happen to have the Sinz cranks let me know.

I may have a saddle for you otherwise, I can also do cash…

PM me, or email me at wdommen@yahoo.com


@ckayakr: I have a set of 135mm Sinz cranks if the length can fit your needs. You can see a pic of them by clicking the “My parts for trade” link in my signature.

@Tirving: if you are still looking for a saddle, I think I have one unused somewhere. Let me know and I will look for it and take a picture. I would be interested by a MountainUni rotor trade :slight_smile:

to late…

odered a 145 mm crank set from mountain uni today…

I figured it was a longshot, thought I’d try anyway…

I am totally interested, let me know, I still have all my MountainUni stuff. :slight_smile:

Okay, as the PM do not support attachments and I do not have my FTP credentials at hands, here is the pics :smiley:

It is a Qu-Ax muni saddle (circa 2005-2006) in decent shape, not that much scratches.
The marks under are left-overs of glue because there was a layer of foam my friend glued under to protect hands from ripping on the nails keeping the cover in place.

Let me know if it fits your need (I have a first gen and second gen KH saddles mounted on my muni).

Sorry, I wanted a KH or nimbus seat. I need the hardware and foam.

Would you be interested in an old velo saddle? The cover is not in good shape, but the foam and hardware are fine.

For the KH saddles, I have two of them:

  • One is the second generation with removable cover (2-gen pics)
  • The other is, I think, a first generation with stappled cover and no stitches (1-gen pics)