I need an older KH Freeride saddle in decent shape.
I have 2-3 sets of MountainUni rotors and sinz cranks (155 and 145mm) that I can trade for the saddle. If you have one lying around and want to tinker with disk brakes in your uni, this may be a good trade for you.
I am interested in paying for the seat too, name your price.
@ckayakr: I have a set of 135mm Sinz cranks if the length can fit your needs. You can see a pic of them by clicking the “My parts for trade” link in my signature.
@Tirving: if you are still looking for a saddle, I think I have one unused somewhere. Let me know and I will look for it and take a picture. I would be interested by a MountainUni rotor trade
Okay, as the PM do not support attachments and I do not have my FTP credentials at hands, here is the pics
It is a Qu-Ax muni saddle (circa 2005-2006) in decent shape, not that much scratches.
The marks under are left-overs of glue because there was a layer of foam my friend glued under to protect hands from ripping on the nails keeping the cover in place.
Let me know if it fits your need (I have a first gen and second gen KH saddles mounted on my muni).