Old forum features...Rep points

i went to a random page in the archives and read this thread

i was wondering what these rep points are/were?

And why they got taken out ?

Rep points were and evil thing sent down upon the one-wheeled masses by Godby to anger and divide us.

rep points rocked!!!
bring them back!!!

they were these things and beside each post we could say if they were good or not, and like if you had good rep and you gave someone bad rep it would be really bad for them, then like if you were good and someone that gave you good rep got bad rep it would go down, it was really confusing, but at the end time like 7 or 8 people had maximum rep, so if they gave one rep point that persons would go up by like two whole boxes, it was crazy

geez I just read part of that thread…you’re definitely right, it’s a good thing that they were gotten rid of

they were kinda fun, but really served no practical purpose, except for what the podzol already said.

Rep points were fun. I got to second place one time…I almost got to 1st once I think but then I was pushed back down by the man. :astonished:

Rep points were horrible for the forums, and although the system could work, preventing abuse was impossible.

but it would be so easy to monopolize first place. every time someone came near you, you’d just give 'em a bad rep. :angry: