A guy on holiday in Spain, feels somewhat hungry, so goes into the village restaurant. Gets the menu and after some careful study, orders the paella. Quite tasty it was too, but there was an absolutely delicious smell coming from the next table, where one of the locals, Carlos, was eating.
He calls over the waiter, and in his best holiday Spanish asks: “Tell me, what is that dish there, the one that smells so fantastic.”
The Waiter replies: Ah yes, that is made from certain rather delicate areas of prime freshly killed bull. It is then marinated in our secret sauce mix, and garnished with fresh herbs, and just a touch of garlic, with our special red wine dribbling.
“Sounds superb, may I have some please.?”
“For you sir, as a special favour. But we have none left today. Come back tomorrow, an hour or so after the bullfight finishes”
The guy arrives on cue, his meal is ready, piping hot and tastes out of this world.
He calls the waiter over again, tips him hugely, sends his compliments to the chef, but asks. “But tell me, why was my portion so much smaller than the one Carlos had yesterday?”
" Ah well sir, sometimes the bull wins"