Ok so report me to the animal rights people for this one

A guy on holiday in Spain, feels somewhat hungry, so goes into the village restaurant. Gets the menu and after some careful study, orders the paella. Quite tasty it was too, but there was an absolutely delicious smell coming from the next table, where one of the locals, Carlos, was eating.

He calls over the waiter, and in his best holiday Spanish asks: “Tell me, what is that dish there, the one that smells so fantastic.”

The Waiter replies: Ah yes, that is made from certain rather delicate areas of prime freshly killed bull. It is then marinated in our secret sauce mix, and garnished with fresh herbs, and just a touch of garlic, with our special red wine dribbling.

“Sounds superb, may I have some please.?”

“For you sir, as a special favour. But we have none left today. Come back tomorrow, an hour or so after the bullfight finishes”

The guy arrives on cue, his meal is ready, piping hot and tastes out of this world.

He calls the waiter over again, tips him hugely, sends his compliments to the chef, but asks. “But tell me, why was my portion so much smaller than the one Carlos had yesterday?”
" Ah well sir, sometimes the bull wins"


I aimed it at gallery of clean jokes nut missed. Apologies

Two nut missed I think!

And I’m also not so sure if this is a CLEAN joke?

Klaas Bil

Excellent joke. Even better Freudian slip.

isn’t rating freudian slips very close to getting involved in competitive yoga?

Re: Ok so report me to the animal rights people for this one

I don’t get it. :thinking:

uni57 (Dave)

Re: Ok so report me to the animal rights people for this one

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Never mind. :slight_smile:

And that would be a Freudian typo, not slip…

uni57 (Dave)

Re: Re: Ok so report me to the animal rights people for this one

Just in case you’re serious and not just being silly: Rockey Mountain Oysters! :astonished:

Re: Re: Re: Ok so report me to the animal rights people for this one

Thanks, I wasn’t being silly. I promised not to be silly for 48 hours. I’m not enjoying it.

uni57 (Dave)

Re: Re: Re: Ok so report me to the animal rights people for this one

I don’t get it…

… maybe 'cause I’m from Appalachia…

Re: Re: Re: Re: Ok so report me to the animal rights people for this one

No, its because I mis-spelled Rocky… http://tinyurl.com/53t2#rocky

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Ok so report me to the animal rights people for this one

GASP !!!

That’s disgusting!

You ought to be reported to the animal rights people!

Unfortunately, that interesting site gave me a lot of troubles with pop-ups!

Good point, my oversight when posting the link. Lesson learned, please accept my apology (Seriously, not silliously).


You should actually be apologizing for disguising a link like that with tinyurl.

When I went on my cross-country bike ride one of the female riders got suckered into getting Rocky Mountain Oysters at a Wyoming restaurant. Some city folks have to learn about cattle country through experience. I already knew what they were. No way was I going to get suckered into eating those. I had a nice steak instead.