so whats everybody opinion on that god dude i keep hearing about at church with his own book called the bibel or somthing.
best thread ever
That’s what they call me over there.
Unless they were talking about this guy.
wow that is a much better interpretation of that dude. why colundt my pastor just say all that?
God is love.
Love is blind.
Stevie Wonder is blind.
Therefore, Stevie Wonder is God.
you are one intelligent(?)how you spell that?) walrus.
If God is Love
and Love is Truth
and Truth is Knowledge
and Knowledge is Power
and Power corrupts
Is God a politician and would you vote for him?
howdigetsogood: in my opinion this is a much better way of starting controversy instead of starting a thread on racism or being a jerk in serious threads. i enjoy threads like this but not when you post unintelegent coments when other people are trying to stick to the facts. congrats on finding a subject of much controversy without being to insulting.
but when people feel insulted they really bloom in full. if people arent hert, they arent as affected, therefore true colors do not always shine through.
ZOMG that was funny
God is seen smiting a particularly wicked tree.
What church are you going to?
calvary church of the nazerene
god taught us arson with that burning bush thing.
On the note of burning Bush, who’s up for it?
you make an excellent point!
I’ve seen a lot of arson fires and in every one things burned up. The bush didn’t burn up, is it still arson?
God is the main chariter in the popular fictinal book: “the holy bible”.
I haven’t read it yet so I can’t comment
Actually, the Bible isn’t a fiction.
It is more or less based on a few actual events but the author took quite a bit of dramatic license.
Does this really have to be gone over with every single new member of the forums?
UniHappy, welcome to the forums. A warning: don’t start evangelizing. You won’t get anywhere, and people will just get mad at you.