Oh no.....

I went to the doctors yesterday for a suspicious lump beneath my knee cap, she said that there is a muscle behind my thigh bone which is pushing out my shin bone, which may cause my knee to dislocate. I’m not aloud to play netball anymore or run. :frowning: :frowning: :frowning: I have to wear a knee brace just for walking. Unicycling is discoraged, but that wont stop me.

Does anyone know any one else who has this symptom.

I’m sorry to hear about your situation, but look on the bright side…

Now you can carry scissors any time. I mean, ANY TIME.

(you know how they say not to run with scissors, well hey – problem solved:))

I had an ugly lump problem once. It was right in the middle of my shoulders, but the doctors advised leaving it in place for the time being.

Now I’ll just have to throw them.

That sucks, did she say anything in terms of recovery or surgery?

I think this is similar to what my friend had, he was told to do loads of stretches because his muscle was twisting his knee cap around. I’m not sure what it was he had to do exactly, but did your doctor tell you any possible way of recovering, like medication or stretches?

I had heaps of x rays, but when the report came back, it was all scientific and I couldn’t under stand it…

I have to sig that :sunglasses:

Stop just for a moment and look at the way your body works.

Your two knees carry your ENTIRE bodyweight.

If they are damaged or malfunctioning in any way, things are going to go from bad to worse very quickly.

If the doc says don’t unicycle for 6 months, please don’t.

To quote the Sunscreen Song, “…look after your knees, you’ll miss them when they’re gone…”

I hope you will heal well.

thanks, I went to the doctors again today, and she said that unicycling was fine, because it was in an upright position.

Does that mean, your doctor unicycles??? :stuck_out_tongue:

If they had any sence, they would put it simpily because being 11 you would be unlikely to understand what is wrong, and you have a right and need to know what is wrong and how to get better. At least you can still uni, but I’d take it easy.

yes, this is why 11 year olds have parents/guardians

I know but still, It would be nice at least, even if they’re told the basics, and the parents/gardians know the rest. I would want to know what was wrong, instead of geussing what all the scientific stuff meant.

thats awful! At least you can uni but! Hope it heals well. I wouldn’t drop off anything on your uni either that would not be a good idea HEHE.

Yer I doubt that I could drop off something anyway…

its amazingly easy :stuck_out_tongue: just need to land right XD

and on the wheel hopefully