I went to the doctors yesterday for a suspicious lump beneath my knee cap, she said that there is a muscle behind my thigh bone which is pushing out my shin bone, which may cause my knee to dislocate. I’m not aloud to play netball anymore or run. I have to wear a knee brace just for walking. Unicycling is discoraged, but that wont stop me.
Does anyone know any one else who has this symptom.
I think this is similar to what my friend had, he was told to do loads of stretches because his muscle was twisting his knee cap around. I’m not sure what it was he had to do exactly, but did your doctor tell you any possible way of recovering, like medication or stretches?
If they had any sence, they would put it simpily because being 11 you would be unlikely to understand what is wrong, and you have a right and need to know what is wrong and how to get better. At least you can still uni, but I’d take it easy.
I know but still, It would be nice at least, even if they’re told the basics, and the parents/gardians know the rest. I would want to know what was wrong, instead of geussing what all the scientific stuff meant.