[QUOTE] Originally posted by forrestunifreak
[B]Cant you just drink diet?
Don’t most diet sodas have aspartame (artificial sweetener). This stuff causes cancer in lab rats. Of course they give them the equivalent of 5 times their body weight in aspartame.
And on the half gallon size sodas at KFC; my stomach ain’t that big !!
Dont worry. This is a great opportunity. Start selling soda at your school get a cooler and cans of coke, dr.pepper and other popular sodas. Start selling cans for 1buck each(you can buy bulk soda for like 25cents a can) and make a ton of profit. I don’t buy soda at my school. And rarely ever get them I bet about 1 time a month I will get a soda and I always get it free(I know how to get 3 sodas from the conveyorbelt CocaCola Machines for free and I can get free stuff from pepsi machines). SO Chillax and go sell some soda foo.
My friends started a business sort of thing at their school, called the ‘Buy Out the Vending Machine Fund.’
What they do is collect bags of chips people don’t want at lunch, then sell them for a quarter each after school.
That’s what they started out doing, anyway; now they sell anything they can get their hands on. And they beg for spare change at the vending machines. In the past three days they’ve made about ten or fifteen dollars.
They’ll do this for the whole year, then at the end of the year, they’ll use all their money to buy every everything in the vending machine. Hence the name.
You did not see Universe 2. There’s a “fat” unicyclist in Universe 2 he glides down a long hill, fastly too. He’s in the trailer too only for about 2 seconds but he’s there. Sorry I dont know his name.
Also you can say then water should not be alowd it not nutritious though it is needed for the body to function.
Alot of you seem to use college as an excuse that you drink “soda” thats crap i have been at college about 5 weeks now and i have actually cut down alot on the crap i used to eat. In the weekends i HAVE to eat fast food once a day cause the healthy place is not open. I live at my college so i have no real money to snack i just use whats on my card to buy 2 meals a day and then have breaky in my room. I also go to the gym once every other day so i am getting alot fitter + i do over 7 hours of sport a week, then again i am doing a course in outdoor sports so i have to be fit! O and the “fat” unicyclist is “onetrack”(or something) who posted earlier
YEAH!!! thats me. When I was filmed I weighed about 230 or so and packed on about 15 pounds after that.
Through Vegetarianisum and increased Exerciseisum over the past 6 months, I went from 245lbs to 192lbs as I type. Over this time I have drinken no more than two cans of pop. I opt for iced tea.
This fact is the reason for my rant on page one. I just want to clear things up, I was not saying that pop sold at school made me fat, but it definately helped. Most kids if given a choice on what to consume will pick what is “yummy” even if they have heared how bad certain things are for you. All things aside, I was the one who ate what I ate and drank what I drank so I can’t blame anyone but myself.
From my personal experience, I didn’t care what was bad for me in high school. I was immortal. Others in my school were even worse (drinking, smoking, drug use, all night partying, driving too fast, etc). Now I can’t even eat a combo meal at a fast food place without feeling the side effects. If I go vegetarian, it won’t be because I want to. But I’ll definitely be healthier if I do!