oh man

SODA THE F****en schools took them away because they are “unnutritios”

just had to tell you guys

The american youth is at its fattest.

I wish that SODA wasn’t available to me at such an easy acess from 6th grade to 12th. When you are young, you aren’t thinking about what all those sodas are doing to your health.

The reason there was pop in schools in the first place is for an extra source of income for the school districts. All at the cost of the health of the students. Some schools have even opened fast food resturants like taco bell on school grounds.

In america, obesity is reaching epidemic proportions (sorry I just wanted to use the phrase ‘epidemic proportions’). The problem I see with calling obesity a disease, is that when you do that, you are taking resposiblity away from people. True, genetics definately playes a role in how you metabolize food and how easily you store fat, but genetics dosen’t controll what you put in your mouth.

Sorry for rambiling

That was more of a rant than a ramble.

Nobody knows why were getting fatter? Look at our lifestyle.
I’ll sit at a drive thru.
I’ll sit there behind fifteen other cars instead of getting up to make the eight foot walk to the totally empty counter.
Everything is mega meal, super sized. Want biggie fries, super sized, want to go large.
You want to have thirty burgers for a nickel you fat mother fscker. There’s room in the back. Take it!
Want a 55 gallon drum of Coke with that? It’s only three more cents.

  • Lazy Boy, “Underwear Goes Inside The Pants”


Has anyone seen the new KFC ad that says if you buy a bucket of fried chicken, you get a half gallon size cup of coke.

i feel bad about being addicted so soda, but its just so good. and if you go a couple days without it, it tastes that much better when you have it again. ah, a vicious cycle…

Abosoltely and that cup is huge. I went with the tail gate meal which is kinda different then the one on the commercial which is a bucket of chicken which I chose to be extra crispy some hot wings 4 biscuits two sides and a half gallon of soda. mMMm so good but dont worry I split it with someone but yeah that cup is huge!!!

A half gallon is not that much to drink…

We sold like 1 of those during my 5 months working at KFC.

I find it ironic that for the past several days, I have consumed over a litre of coke/day.

(It’s a vicious cycle. My assignments/studying keep me up late at night. The coke keeps me up during the lectures)

I joined cross country, and the first time I ran after drinking a coke, it was very difficult. I couldn’t breathe, and I ended up puking. I don’t drink it much anymore.

You’re right though, muniracer, after going a long time (several months, in my case) without drinking soda, it tastes soo good.

You dont have to worry about putting on a little weight from drinking to much soda. Its not like there’s to much of you.

Re: oh man

In Sweden we’ve never had soda at school.

sveden is how i like to say sweden.


I’ve never seen a fat unicyclist … (yet)

I drank TONS of soda growing up.
I still drink it.
(not as much)

I did quit for awhile thou.

ever clean a soda machines drop container …?
I managed a Dominos pizza store while in college.

The drop pans would get a black tar substance that was very hard to remove.
(not sugar residue)


I think the issue is “laziness”.
Pulling the pop machines is only a pacifier for parents.
(who should be taking the ‘flack’ here)

The schools should have gym classes with ‘old school’ coaches IMO

My old gym teacher gave me washboard abs back then , and I still have them.
It’s all a matter of ‘rountine’.

Gee , I’m tired from all this typing now …

I’ll go park my ass and watch TV …
(gameboy anyone …?)

Did you know that they are finding a strong correlation between processed foods, refined sugar, and ADHD? If the schools eliminate all that extra sugar from the diets of the children (at least while they are at school), more power to them.

Oh wait, I guess it doesn’t matter if the students have ADHD. We can just put them on Ritalin… that makes everything better.

They’re out there. But this is about people, not unicyclists (expecting retorts on that one).

This is probably from the carmel coloring and other ingredients in the drink, plus whatever else gets put in there over time by people filling the drinks. The sugar part should clean up fairly easily with lots of hot water, but there’s more to the soda than just the sugar!

Certainly parents are the ones ultimately responsible for their kids’ health and eating habits. But if parents didn’t have a say in the addition of soft drink machines to the schools, then the blame is all on the schools.

In my elementary school we had drinking fountains, and they worked just be fine. Or the limited “menu” in the cafeteria. Nobody died from that. In fact my school’s food may have even helped kids lose weight! Just kidding.

Parents do have the option of enforcing family rules such as “no soda at school,” or not having the kids bring cash to school. All of this applies to elementary, BTW. It gets more complicated as the kids get older. During elementary school is where many of the kids’ core eating habits will be formed.

That sounds more like high school. Today’s physical education is not supposed to be about calisthenics, or playing sports. One of the intents is to make kids aware of living a healthy lifestyle, in the long term of their lives, and of the variety of activities they can do in life to make this more fun and interesting.

Based on my experience working in (several hundred) schools in the Northeast in 1985-95, most elementary school students get between 45 minutes and 2 hours of phys. ed. in a week. Some didn’t get any, or in NYC schools, had no phys.ed teachers. Not exactly enough to build your physique on. The gym class is not supposed to be the kids’ only source of exercise. Again, the parents have the ultimate responsibility here.

Anyway, it’s up to all of us to decide what kind of health we want, and no accept anything less. We know fast food is unhealthy, but it is also very convenient, and it can tase annoyingly good…

it tastes like crap…

My school has the awesomest vending machine, it’s so easy to reach up and grab one. It doesn’t have the second flap that folds out so you can’t get up, it just has one that you need to push out of the way.
Unfortunately, it’s right by the office, so you can only do it when there’s no one there, which is rarely.

Cant you just drink diet?

I drink TONS of diet pop,and yes,its not always as good,but in some kinds its better.It also doesnt have sugar that grits in your teeth.