Off-Road Endurance Unicycling Article In The Works


I’ve been asked by Xsport International magazine (the same magazine that just featured an article by Bondo P. 39, Unicycle articles (but wait there's more...)) to do an article about off-road endurance unicycling. I hoped to approach the article from the stand point of riders either competing solo in long distance mountain biking events (on a unicycle of course) or riders who have completed some very long off-road unicycling epics. So if anybody is interested please post to this thread or PM me offline. To get things started why not tell me:

  1. General bio. Who you are, where you’re from that sort of thing.
  2. What your endurance back ground is (not necessarily just in unicycle riding)
  3. What off-road endurance activities (races or epics) have you taken part in solo. By solo I’m really just aiming for activities or events where you not part of a relay per say.
  4. How did you do? How far did you go? How long did it take?
  5. Why do you do it? What is the appeal? Best and Worst moment during such epics?
  6. Pictures. I’ll need several pictures of you doing what you do.

I think that is a good start as I only have 1500-3000 words to cover this topic.

Also, to the historians on this forum, if you have any details about off-road endurance riding efforts by folks in the early years of off-road unicycling I’d love to include this perspective as well.

Any other thoughts? I may not final control over what is published but I want to do my best to cover this topic and give credit where credit is due. I have until the middle of next month to get this article in so don’t delay!


Sure :stuck_out_tongue:

  1. General bio. Who you are, where you’re from that sort of thing.

  2. What your endurance back ground is (not necessarily just in unicycle riding)
    Mountainbike Racer before I took up Unicycling. Nowadays I spend more time on a Roadbike than anything else. Longest road ride is 320km in just over 11hrs

  3. What off-road endurance activities (races or epics) have you taken part in solo. By solo I’m really just aiming for activities or events where you not part of a relay per say.
    The 12hr Day Night Thriller in Taupo, NZ
    24hr Moonride in Rotorua, NZ solo (178km and 134km from memory)
    Hidden Vale Epic in Queensland, Australia 106km
    Rainbow Rage 108km in Nelson,NZ
    Karapoti Classic 50km in Upper Hutt, NZ (I do this every year)

Most of these were written up on RSU at some stage.

  1. How did you do? How far did you go? How long did it take?
    Did ok, depending on the event. Best results probably from Karapoti. I think this year I came 520th from about 900 riders

  2. Why do you do it? What is the appeal? Best and Worst moment during such epics?
    Because I thought it was a good idea at the time :stuck_out_tongue:

  3. Pictures. I’ll need several pictures of you doing what you do.
    PM me

Can’t help you on this. As much as I’d like to do endurance events, there’s hardly any event for the two-wheelers this part of the world.

I’d just like to say that it’s a great thing you’re doing, getting unicycling into mainstream media. Did you have to pitch or did they seek you out?

Alright, thanks for the responses either on this post or via PM. I’ll try and tie all of this good info together in 1500-3000 words with about a photo for every 400 words (this is what I was instructed to do). I don’t know what the final product will look like, but my goal is to demonstrate that there are folks who are accomplishing great off-road riding feats on ONE WHEEL. That we can really go places, do things that the mountain bikers can do; albeit at a slower pace :slight_smile: