Odd Coincidence

For all of you out there who watch the show 24, you might have noticed a odd coincidence. (For all of you who missed last night’s episode, i won’t spoil it)

Basically, there is a riot down in Marietta Georgia. Of all the places in the South, they pick this place. As you all know, Unicycle.com is located in Marietta.

Odd isnt it?

Re: Odd Coincidence

and u’ve managed to convince your self that this was a coincidence?!?


Unicyclists love a good riot (but who doesn’t?) :slight_smile:

Hardcore 24 fan. Grew up in Marietta. Needless to say I was equally suprised to find out that I lived fairly close to the biggest unicycle supplier in the same week. Coincidence? I don’t think so.
Even more scary, the owners of Unicycle.com and my dad used to work at the same company… scary. :thinking: