Obsessed with unis?

So we’ve become friendly with a family that recently joined our congregation. I find the parents very sympatico and interesting and Emma and their daughter are about the same age and get along very well. But there I am at the congregational picnic yesterday showing off my unicycle tattoo, with my unicycle bumper sticker and having brought two unicycles to the event, one to ride and one to let the kids try out. And it occurs to me that these people might think I’m crazy or at the very least obsessed.

So I commented to them that although it might seem that I’m completely obsessed with unicycles, it’s really not the case. I just enjoy them tremendously.

They laughed…a bit nervously perhaps.

But they invited us to dinner at their house anyway. :slight_smile:

Raphael Lasar
Matawan, NJ

Re: Obsessed with unis?

u say ‘obsession’ like it’s a bad thing…?

now we have to come up with an idea for something u can take to their house in the shape of a uni
like an ice cream cake for dessert?


You are obsessed. Many people never make it that far. Enjoy it for as long as you can. No one here thinks you are obsessed, by the way. We all know you are.

“You’ve gotta get obsessed, and stay obsessed.”

John Irving, “The World According to Garp”

Did you happen to mention that you spend hours online reading intrnet forums about Unicycles, or that you spend hours searching the internet for articles mentioning unicycles and then posting them on said forums?

No question you are obsessed.:smiley:

on Obsession:

No, no… we don’t want that one, do we?

Hmmm… slightly better…

Geez! Everybody seems so negative about obsession!

That’s better!

… and finally, from the wisest of all…

Quit worrying, Raphael! :slight_smile:

It’s a good obsession.

It a “HEY, THERE’S THE UNICYCLE NUT”-kind of obsession rather than a
“better stay away from that psycho”-obsession
