Here are a few of the things which were highlights for me at the NZUNi weekend:
Riding Steve Pavarno’s unicycle with an offcentre hub - a very strange sensation. Then trying to ride my standard unicycle and falling off immediately.
Joe and I jumping over a prostrate Ken Looi repeatedly for the Dominion Post photographer.
Joe one-foot riding along a ledge inches from the edge of a 3m drop into the harbour.
Malcolm Todd passing levels 2, 3 and 4 in half an hour.
A mass crash-start to the 800m race.
Sunday Muni ride - Being blown up Wright’s Hill by powerful winds. Also being blown around by crosswinds so strong you had to lean nearly 45 degrees into them just to stay on your uni. There was so much mist and fog on this ride I found that I could see better without my glasses than with them on. This was the first time I’d ridden a uni for any length of time without specs. Even more interesting was riding Rowan’s Nimbus 29er with short (127mm) cranks offroad in the wind and fog with no glasses!
More performing for the photographer - doing seat out hops off a hillside bench at Makara Peak and falling off into the gorse repeatedly. The photographer saying: “it doesn’t matter if you fall off, the photo will be good!” He was right in that he got a good shot (above) but after rolling in the gorse four times I felt punctured enough to be a voodoo doll. I’ll be extracting the prickles for the next few weeks…
Witnessing Munimanpete’s amazing and long- and high-jumping technique.
Ken’s novel navigation techniques.
Riding down the infamous Vertigo track again, a little muddier and more slippery than last year. Being pitched off on a double switchback which sent me flying off the track, ending up several metres below the track. Munimanpete nailing all the hard sections.
Jumping over Pete66 who was lying on the third step of a 6-stair.
Seeing Joe’s amazing equipment-destroying ability. Joe managed to bend a KH crank on a ‘small’ 5 footer to flat, then proceeded to tear his KH saddle in half in the high jump. Destruction! Carnage!
Driving 700km in each direction to do all of this!
I’m sure there was more cool stuff that i’ve forgotten - please add your own…