NYC Unicycling Festival September 2011

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Billy, I, for one, do not routinely visit RSU. In fact, I’ve taken it to the next level – I routinely do not visit RSU. Everything I need is right here.

Ken has updated the website with the latest information about the three
day Unicycle Festival. Check it out at.

I hope to see many of you this weekend and most of you one or more
days at the festival.

Help spread the word.
New York City Unicycle Festival
3 Days of One Wheel Madness

What: New York City Unicycle Festival
When: September 2, 3 and 4, 2011
Where: Governors Island, Grant’s Tomb, and Brooklyn Bridge to Coney Island

NYC’s Unicycle Festival will roll across New York City this September. The growing popularity of this quirky pastime, combined with the City’s initiatives to encourage cycling, make this a timely opportunity to celebrate the unicycle. Last year’s festival brought over 300 riders to the Big Apple, even more one wheelers are expected for this year’s event.

The New York City Unicycle Festival takes place September 2-4, 2011:

September 2, 2011 – Brooklyn Unicycle Day. Festivities begin Friday afternoon with a mass ride over the Brooklyn Bridge (3pm) to Grand Army Plaza (4pm) and then to Coney Island (6pm). Expect to witness amazing unicycle displays near Deno’s Wonder Wheel, along the Boardwalk, and around the Cyclone Stadium. This long-distance unicycle ride is being organized by the Unicycle NYC Bridge Tour (

September 3, 2011 – The festival’s main event takes place on Governors Island from 12pm-5pm on Saturday. Activities include races, competitions, exhibitions, and a variety of uncicyle sports inlcuding unicycle basketball, hockey, and football. A special exhibition game between New York’s King Charles Troupe and the Puerto Rican Nationals will be played. For fans of extreme riding, a unicycle trials course will challenge riders throughout the day. World-famous riders will display their skills, and members of the public will have the opportunity to try one-wheel riding.

September 4, 2011 – Join up with the New York Unicycle Club at its traditional meeting ground and time: Grant’s Tomb, 1pm-5pm (

Produced by Bindlestiff Family Variety Arts, Inc., the New York City Unicycle Festival brings together recreational riders, world-class performers, mountain and off-road unicycle enthusiasts, mono-wheel vehicle inventors, and thousands of people who have not ridden in umpteen years, along with circus enthusiasts, extreme sports viewers, and anyone seeking an unusual sight–even for NYC!

Free! All ages and abilities welcome.
Find out more at

Bindlestiff Family Cirkus
PO Box 1917
New York, NY 10009

1-877-BINDLES info

Today! Tomorrow!

It looks like for the entire 3 day event, with exception of a possible passing shower on Saturday, will be great weather for unicycling.

So come on out for all three days if you can. Bring along a friend or two. Anyone interested in unicycling is welcome, even non riders and beginners.

For those riders that plan to participate in the Hell on Wheel Trials coarse, you are reminded and encouraged to bring the required helmet.

Ken S. wrote: Today is the final day of the 2011 New York City Unicycle Festival. The first two were a blast. We had 57 unicyclist cross the Brooklyn Bridge on Friday. Governors Island had a huge turn out of unicyclist with a lot of unicycle activities.

So come on out to today’s meeting at Grant’s Tomb and mingle amongst unicyclist from all over with every type of unicycle imaginable.

For those of you that unfortunately cannot make it, check out the video clips and photographs that I have up uploaded to our Flickr page. The URL address can be found below.

Visit the NY Unicycle Club’s website at
NYUC on Flickr
NYUC on Youtube