NYC Heatwave, again! How is it where you are?

So at 11 pm last night, it was 95 degrees Farenheit.

The city ordered lights out on all the bridges and tall buildings, and limited air conditioning.

Last week a million people were without electricity for over a week.

This week another heat wave, and we get brown outs–sometimes not enough power to kick on the condenser of the AC, or to run the microwave…

When brownouts hit, the lights dim and the fan slows dramatically.

It’s over 100 degrees here today.

Yep we broke 100, too. Scary.

Times like this make me glad to live in the South…because temperatures like this, while still horrible, are a lot more commonplace, so we’re prepared for it every summer…our only problem is the city freaks out when we get six inches of snow in the winter. :smiley:

I’d rather be outside in the coldest days of winter than on hot days like this. Of course, I worked outside from about 8AM-Noon today.

Oh I definitely agree with you…I’m just saying that we aren’t having blackouts and such, because Texas’ power plants are used to the summer heatwaves…

I’d still rather have the 40 degree days (I know that’s nothing to you) then the 100 degree days.

it’s sooo hot in southern maine, well, maybe not as hot as the rest of new england, but still. like everyone else, i’d much rather have below freezing temps than this. and what’s worse, i can’t even go swimming b/c i have nine stiches in my leg from a rediculous unicycling accident on sunday! i hate the heat!

I like the heat.
It’s only like 94 high around here though.

Central PA: Only 90 here. Cooler air is on the way, NYC!!!
Was up to 96 here yesterday. Bear and I went to the 9pm movie to get out of the heat. It was fun to stay up so late. Bear liked it too for a change.

It’s 97 here currently with a heat index of 109.

I personally have never minded the heat that much, though as I get older it takes more of a toll on me.

I do enjoy driving with my arm out the window and the breeze being a scorching blast of hot air.

We had our heat wave last week. I took a drive through the central valley and got to experience 110 degree heat for the first time. Luckily it’s been dry heat here, but still, in a house with no A/C it’s no picnic. The only fan we currently own is less than 12" in diameter.

I thought about ripping the cooling fans out of my PC and wiring 'em up on the windowsill in my bedroom just so I could sleep…

Every hardware store within 20 miles of my house was sold out of fans, coolers and A/C units. EVERY ONE! It’ll take 'em a good month to restock… but my lesson has been learned. I’m buying me a couple big fans the next chance I get!

Now the temp is back down in the 70-80 degree range. Ahhh! Much better!

It’s so hot here I shaved my head.:slight_smile: I now look like the smiley.

pics, perhaps?

The winter of '93/'94 was when we moved out to New Jersey and became homeowners. That year we had about 18 snow storms with 5 feet piles on either side of our driveway at some points.

Too late I realized I needed a snow blower. None to be had for that season.

The next year we had a milder winter, but when we visited my wife’s family in upstate New York we bought the smallest snow blower available. They had crap loads of them and, in fact, used them only to dig out dog houses or their roofs. In an area with more snow in a good year than we get in a bad, those little machines were a dime a dozen.

It’s only about 80 or so here, it’s been cooling down.

Yesterday it was 42 when I woke up in the morning!

Our heatwave is finished. The weather is very wintery today. Rainy and windy. Horrible.


Presently in Boston, it’s 97 degrees. Inside my house it was 76 degrees, and in my work office, it’s 70.

been seing a bit of a welcome cooling trend! FINALLY! Humididty still on the +60 side, but not nearly as bad as last week.:smiley:

Yeah. Just keep smiling. :smiley:

And we had another blackout from 10 pm til 3:33 am, just a few blocks in Brooklyn, but that’s happening in spots all over.

I can handle it, but my wife has a real hard time. And I had to be up early to be at Wal-Mart for work! So I had to sleep.

For the first time, the news said this is the result of global warming, and we can expect these temps to be the new average for awhile, until it gets hotter.

Heat wave is defined as over 90 degrees for more than one day (? something like that, here), but in a few years they’ll have to change the definintion.


whenever we get a heat wave in australia it means time for a barbeque and a cold drink.

My wife got in touch with me at Wal-Mart, to tell me the power is out again this morning. Uggh! :astonished: :frowning: :angry: