“In the Netherlands people can be naked in their gardens, the beach and recently the gym. But in America, even chocolate sculptures can’t be without clothes. What gives?”
It’s a good article. I’ve always wanted to go someplace where I can be free…
This article is safe for work and home - there are no nude photos anywhere in the article.
Very insightful article, and I agree with it wholeheartedly.
Sadly, I’m guilty of this common American idea. I’m well aware that it’s a stupid idea to have, but it’s so ingrained in me from being exposed to American parents and the American media.
Like the PBS thing for the statue of David. Easily the most famous sculpture that exists. But oh no, we can’t show it to innocent little kiddies. It has a penis!
America really needs to wake up and see that hiding things breeds curiosity, which leads to experimentation, which can be both good, and bad. There’s a reason we have the highest teen pregnancy rate. And why there’s alcohol and drug problems. Those things are put up onto a pedestal by the media, but at the same time, hidden away and frowned upon. There’s no easier way to make a kid rebel then to try and stop them.
I don’t even care if people accept drugs/alcohol/sex/whatever…I just want all the parents out there to realize that withholding information from your kid just because you don’t want him/her exposed to it doesn’t lead to anything good.
This is why I don’t post early in threads like these, because I know someone will come along and say what I want to say exactly right, and grammatically correct, thanks monkeyman.
Musketman, start taking showers with your clothes on then, or else you look stupid in there.
Anyways, I see nothing wrong with being naked. I dont care seeing any other people naked. It really doesn’t bother me if I see another human, ugly or not, I really dont care.
I think the people who are nudist, or can be naked easily, have the right train of thought. They dont care how others look, they dont judge you if your fat or not. Don’t care if you hairy, or baby smooth all over, they dont care about “size” on them or anyone else. They just accept.
HAhaha! Yeah right! This isn’t about accepting the people for looking fat or skinny or ugly. It’s just one more un-nessesary thing, like gay marriage, that makes us(America) look stupid. It’s just dumb, and we dont need to be parading around naked like a bunch of Britney Spears’s.
Look at Europe, they don’t go parading around naked. Yet they are more open to nudity. And it seems that they have less teen pregnancies over there too!
No the fact that you can’t use an apostrpohe makes you look stupid, gay marriage makes you look like you might actually be catching up with the rest of the world.
hey, from a biblical standpoint (becuz i know you like those.), wern’t Adam and Steve (or Amy and Eve. your chocie) naked? like, before they screwed up and ate that apple? when everything was cool, everyone was neked.
also, from a biblical standpoint, didn’t god say something like “love your neighbors and enemies”?? (even if they’re fags)
Exactly! You can’t say everything else you don’t like it impractical and stupid because believe it or not other people have different beliefs/opinions than you do…who would have thought … Many probably think what you do is unnecessary like say religion does that you should stop it? Or shouldn’t be aloud to practice it… Many think unicycling is stupid/ unnecessary should we all stop doing that?..
I dont get why being naked is so wrong. I mean, if people weren’t brought up thinking it was wrong, then nobody would think its weird or stupid. And, after all we’re all naked under our clothes. Every last one of us.