Now that's extreme..

Look at this :astonished:

2 things that creeped me out: the tunel and then passing the motorcyclist…
I mean man, that’s not even extreme, that’s plain suicidal! :roll_eyes:


just a tad bit deadly.

Looks like he could use some brakes on those little wheels. What a rush!

HOLY CRAP! That truly takes guts. :astonished:

I dont think brakes would work on that cause it would just wear down on one side of the wheel and then the rest of the ride would be very bumpy.

that was crazy!!! that takes balls…
wow, i would love to try that…maybe not on that exact hill! but wow that would be a blast!!

That is crazy, he could of easily been hit by one of those bikes or cars. I would definatly like to try it though, on the right hill. I think I may have seen someone doing that on TV were they were doing it down the streets and pavements.

Actually he uses – his forearms are armed in hard shells which he uses as brakes :slight_smile:
When I posted this link I didn’t yet realize that there are prequel and sequel to this video,
both accessible from the linked page. In the prequel (i.e. part 1)
the guy demonstrates all his equipment and gives a small show about how he moves.

Yeah but it appears he has to change his position significantly to use them, and often goes onto the wrong side of the road in the process. Real brakes would be better.

I think you and I owned the same piece of crappy, wheeled luggage once. :slight_smile:

I was thinking brakes like real brakes, not scraping things against the road (like forearms or tires), which would wear them down very fast. Little tiny caliper brakes for his little tiny wheels.

for some reason i can’t get this video to work…

That guy beat a motorcycle in a race. There’s a video of it somewhere on youtube.

I wonder how fast he was going? Maximum speed in the straights and cornering speed?

Professional bicyclists get up to 60-70 mph in descents on passes like that. But they’re also doing it on closed roads where you don’t have to worry about oncoming traffic. Doing it on a road with oncoming traffic is much more risky as you can’t swing wide to the other lane without risk.

The motorcyclist following him and doing the filming was able to keep up with him just fine. So he wasn’t going faster than the motorcyclist could go. Was it a helmet cam on the motorcycle or was there a second rider on the motorcycle doing the filming? Nice filming.

That was awesome! I would LOVE to try that, but on a straighter hill of course. I wonder what that motocyclist was thinking after he got passed that guy.:smiley: