it sould be called “most posts” since “mostly” thats what it is.
BTW, when i pee in the ocean, i do it on the shore for “most veiws”
it sould be called “most posts” since “mostly” thats what it is.
BTW, when i pee in the ocean, i do it on the shore for “most veiws”
I’d definately buy one of the pens.
I love it.
its about $2 to ship to me
Re: NOW AVAILABLE! RideTheUnicycle.Com T-Shirts
Sanford has been making the Uniball pen for many years. There was even a lawsuit about it in the late 80s between them and Larry Steele, manager of the World Wheelers Unicycle Basketball team. Larry claimed ownership of the word Uniball to apply only to unicycle ball sports promoted by Larry Steele Enterprises. I don’t think he was successful in budging the big pen-maker. But they are nice pens!
I like the balancing pen. Great gift or accessory for the unicyclists in your life!
Re: Re: NOW AVAILABLE! RideTheUnicycle.Com T-Shirts
Almost sounds like an endorsement from “The Man” himself.
Thanks John!
P.S. I had to save my thread from falling off page one somehow.
Re: Re: Re: NOW AVAILABLE! RideTheUnicycle.Com T-Shirts
u can get a special spanner to help u with that
i think Tom Blackwood’s got one…
i finally got enough monry to order the pen and it is on its way. i am so excited!!!