NOW AVAILABLE! RideTheUnicycle.Com T-Shirts

The RideTheUnicycle.Com T-shirts are in stock and available for delivery. It’s a pretty nice t-shirt. It’s a flashy yellow with red and blue silk screens on the back, left breast and as an added touch there’s a screen on the right sleeve. The shirts are $14.95 and are available on my website

Here are some pictures of the shirts.

I also have on order another pretty cool item. I think it’s the first unicycle pen. I call it the Uni-Pen. Maybe you’ve seen them, the base is a magnet and the metal pen balances above the magnet sort of like a unicyclist balances on a unicycle. The pen is lazer engraved with a little unicycle and the name Uni-Pen. See below. The pens are on order and should be in by the end of the month. They will sell for about $10 or $11.

i like the pen
do u ship to south africa?

I second liking the pen.
unfortunatly yellow isnt my color.

it’s ok
the pen is silver

I mean the shirt- I woudlnt wear it because its yellow and thats not mny color (my skin looks green in yellow).

The pen however I love.

come back john,
i get it now

oh gild, men are from mars, women are from earth.

explains why i’m single again, doesn’t it?

Are you playing the field now so to speak? hehe. The feild.

I believe we have sucessfully thread jacked. bad us!

just a little
in the same way that the kennedys are a little gun-shy

look on the brightside, i responded to this thread when it was two from the bottom on page one
it was about to slip into obscurity so i don’t think unipsychler (one of the kewler nicks) will be too unhappy with the jack

and u’ve got a couple more posts to your name that aren’t in MR

a win-win situation indeed

you say that like its a good thing??!!??!
haha MR is the best, why post anywhere else?

i have no idea

i’ll race u back there…

Hey Gild, thanks for saving my thread from plunging into never, never land.

The pens are a real cool unique item. If there was ever a pen made for the sport of unicycling this is it because of the way the pen balances (floats) above the circular base. Kind of like a unicycle rider.

Oh, btw, the pens are shiny silver (chrome) and I’ll ship anywhere!

I’ll post as soon as they arrive.

Kristine, sorry for the color but I was looking for a flashy look. I liked the combo of yellow, red and blue.

Me too .


Re: NOW AVAILABLE! RideTheUnicycle.Com T-Shirts

i love the pen and will order one as soon as i have aquired

  • S&H

Yes, plus shipping. There’s no handeling charge. I don’t believe in ripping my fellow unicyclists off or anybody else for that matter.

Shipping weight each is approximately 8 oz and will be shipped from zipcode 07508.

You can get an idea of shipping by going to: for domestic and for international.

I may make thinks simple by standardizing and shipping USPS Priority Mail which is $3.75.

No appology necessary! Im sure many people love yellow shirts. Also I hope I didnt offend you about my color commenty, but I really do love the pen, I may see about investing in one. I asume your prices are american?

I want a pen

please do
i’m definately getting one

Tacky but accurate analogy:

Posting in MR is like peeing in the ocean…it feels good, but only the folks swimming closest to you have a chance of noticing your “contribution”.