Not just hype: What's practical about unicycling?

i was wundering when someone would say that

linky no worky… can anyone fixy ?

Go to then click on the MUni link at the top of the screen. The clip is labeled something like Discovery Channel: More Than Human.
Hope it helps. :slight_smile:

Everyone does this when I ride by in my Ford Excort! I like being the highlight of everyone’s day!

Course, I also get this on my Coker or 29", and moreso if I’m club juggling.

I just had my picture taken by a half dozen smiling and waving teens with cell phone cameras. :sunglasses:

I also startled :astonished: several walkers with ipods plugged into their ears. They couldn’t hear my “coming up from the left” until I was just about on top of them. Yikes.

wtf is a triquetum

I push myself harder on a bike- there is more competition :sunglasses:

Try this website:


Don’t forget 10.5

oh god how could we forget 10.5

esdpecially after that

I can ride backwards on a bike. Either with the bike moving backwards or with me sitting on the bike backwards. I’m still working on going backwards on the uni!

all i got was a bunch of crap about garlic weeds or something

Try with “triquetRum”… I was curious about that too, maybe that helps to know it’s a bone of the hand/wrist.
watch this (french page, look on the right of the picture)
I also wanted to know what Gyzmoduck calls an “AC joint” (feel free to PM me if it’s obvious)


Your acromioclavicular joint.

Here is the first link I googled up:

And the triquetrum is a one of the carpal bones in the wrist.

Hey, I dislocated my AC joint too!!.. but it was during a judo championship (unfortunately the ligaments (?) broke => surgery)
I also had a SC dislocation on the other shoulder, wich is quite rare, still with judo (I gave up, I was fed up with competition at a “interesting level”)…
Nothing broken yet while unicycling:)
OK, time to stop thread jacking now:o

I find the unicycle much safer to ride than a bike if it’s icy. It seems to be less likely to slide, and if it does you land on your feet rather than your elbow/face.
In normal weather I’ll ride to work on a bike or unicycle depending on how I’m feeling and how fast I need to get there. If it’s icy I’ll always use the unicycle.


What’s practical about unicycling?

Onley as another example of previous sentiment. it feels good to meet the challence at any level better than yesterday. I’m 57 years old and just learning. Great exercise, great feeling of accomplishment with each improvement. I can see that I am going to get there.

Unicycles aren’t very practical. You all can lie to yourselves if you want. :wink:

Here are practical reasons for unicycling:

  1. Riding on the sidewalk (legally, at least around here) makes me less vulnerable to teens with soda than if I were on a bike.

  2. I can go some places where bikes can’t like certain trails or crowded places.

  3. Drivers generally seem happier to see unicyclists than bicyclists.

  4. Less hardware to maintain.

Here are practical reasons to bicycle:

  1. I can ride a lot farther without chafing.

  2. I can carry a much heavier load.

  3. I can ride faster without worrying about nasty UPDs–two brakes are much better than one. And I can chase down the teens with soda. :wink:

  4. I can coast–assuming I’m not on my fixie.

  5. A single speed bicycle can be more versatile for varying grades and varying terrain than any single unicycle.

I’ll meet you all out back with the torches. :smiley:

As long as it’s not Phil’s car :roll_eyes: