Not a Good Friday

The long walk to freedom (well, to the car park, anyway!):

1, The Desert
2, The Cursed Earth
3, The old track bed (approx.)
4, The area formerly the Black Lagoon (now filled in)
5, Merrie Sherwode, former haunt of Robyn of the Hood.

Wow … excellent adventure. Way to suffer for your sport.
Glad you are OK.


Took a look at the back of my KH leg armour earlier (nice ride in Sutton Park in Brum). They pretty much cover the back of my calf and I think would have saved you.

You’ll have to try them for size.

Maybe you could test the umbrella effect by just carrying them with you in a rucksack :wink:

I think it was more “bogus” than “most excellent”.:wink:

ouch… i use the aliens pedals with all my munis, but i also use the tryall shinguards (all the time, even uphill and XC because i’m afraid of the bits from the aliens… downhill i use also some knee guards, all of them protectetd my very well so far… i think also in your case that would helped a lot…

yes mine: I always wear kick boxing gear to protect the back of my leg.though people find this ridiculous I remind them I broke my achille’s tendon with my saddle handle. so now the back of my leg is always protected.

That’s a photo for a caption competition! Where were you unicycling? Roswell or over an ancient Indian burial ground? :astonished:

You’re going to tell all your non-unicycling mates that it was a shark attack, right?

Let’s be topical: a loan shark attack (not a lone shark).

I have already been told very firmly that I am too old for this sort of thing.:frowning:

Really struggling to walk today, but keeping cheerful. I go through life with a thmile and a thong.

The maps no good, it hasn’t got the blood on it.

(But seriously, ouch!)

That’s funny tholub, but in the title it said “Not a Good Friday” (my emphasis).

Mikefule, wonderful writeup about your hapless adventure. At least you were diagnosed properly. Now heal well!

You wondered about the protection of leg armour in such a case. I’ve had multiple times during MUni that my pinned pedals tried to bite my calf (though probably not quite as malignant as yours). On every occasion, the thin open mesh on the back of my 661’s has done a wonderful job of spreading the force. The pins never got really in, leaving parallel bloody scrapes at the most. There’s more protective stuff than 661 4x4’s as others pointed out, but I think the 661’s strike a nice compromise between protection and ventilation.

Ouch, that looks nasty! Hope you heal quick and are able to ride again soon.
You should try using SPDs, you’ll never get a pedal bite again;)

Ouch Mike, shin pads might be a good idea next time. I’ve almost done the same thing so many times but I had 661 veggies on which cover the backs of my legs completely so although it still hurts like buggery I don’t bleed everywhere.

I feel quite annoyed now though, I have a bandaged up knee now after falling off as getting a nice big slice in my knee from a stone or piece of glass on friday. Now I cant bend my leg at all, but thats not the annoying part, I did it on my bloody bike! I’m sure bikes hate me, in the 2+ years of unicycling I have never had as many or as bad injuries as i have from bikes. They just want to kill me lol!

Your wheel looks too small in that photo. It doesn’t quite reach the ground. Or do you always hover on a small cushion of air when you ride?



I heard it was just what happens when you over inflate a tyre :smiley:

Mike, if you want to get seen faster at the emergency room tell them you have chest pains! Oh… and they were caused by this cut!

probably the latest (Moab)! but as I was suffering from jet lag: I couldn’t get the proper coordinates of the ground’s location :smiley: